Apple Tops MarketBeat's List of Most Rated Companies

Championing the list with a margin of almost 1,000 rating steps ahead of retail/wholesale giants Amazon

MarketBeat, the Matthew Paulson-founded ratings network, has released its rankings for the 200 most-rated companies in the world with Steve Jobs' Apple taking the lead. The ranking, which was released on Tuesday, had in it a glossary of companies in varying sectors and industries, and featured Apple at its zenith with companies like Amazon and Facebook behind it, trailing by nearly a thousand steps behind in rating.

Apple, which released its iPhone 8 recently has had a pretty busy year, with the influx of its latest product including the highly celebrated iPhone X which was made available Nov. 3 this year. Though the demand for the company’s latest product was being skeptically viewed by a few analysts, it has held up in the trades’ window and sustained in its demand.

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Reports had emerged about how demand for the newly released iPhone X had been sustained despite it being introduced into over 10 new markets just after a week of it being released. This, however, doesn’t phase out the claims by skeptics but with the hubbub and ovation the latest release of the tech giants had received, it sure goes to logically establish them as the most-rated company for the year’s end.

MarketBeat is renowned for providing ready information to investors in stock ratings and related areas. The company posted the rankings to give observers and interested investors alike an idea of what the most recognized and trending names are for the year, even as 2017 heads towards its close for the next year.

The results had rankings for "Number of Ratings" and "Conversion of Ratings" in which Apple took the lead for both. The list also featured Netflix, Microsoft and Twitter taking the 5th, 12th and 15th positions respectively.

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Source: MarketBeat

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