An SEO Company Analyzes The Latest Google Panda 2.1 Update

Clearing the rumor regarding the launch of next big algorithm change and coming of Google Panda 3.0, Google officially declares that it is just a minor update and far smaller than Panda 2.

Recently, the search engine industry experienced another shiver with the buzz of new algorithm change, coined as Panda 3. Many web masters and SEO professionals believed it to be the coming of new Google algorithm change in the form of Panda 3. However, Google plainly put down all such perception and guesses by clearly stating the new algorithm change as just as a minor update. Google accepted that there have been some tweaks made but the outcome they cause, will affect very few rankings. BrainPulse SEO experts took out time to analyze the changes that Google Panda 2.1 update has brought.

Google Panda Update 2.1

Although Google has not come with any exact count of queries impacted, it consistently suggests that they are much lower in number than in the other updates. It has confirmed that changes have been made in the recent past. Experts delivering SEO services at, have said that it is unlikely for a search engine to come out with big algorithm changes in a close series. Since Panda is considerably an influential algorithm change, the company's SEO services professionals do not envisage any other big change in the algorithms for quite some months to come. maintains a strong grasp over the happening in search engine industry. Being an eminent SEO company, it takes it as its prime duty to keep informed about every single move made in the realm of popular, leading search engines. After all, BrainPulse technologies, is one of the biggest names among the brilliant SEO services providers. The company has been deliver highly professional, result-driven SEO services to various online businesses coming from different industries and various parts of the world.