Amy Earls' New Book 'Homeschooling Myths' is a Significant Reference Material to Learn More About Homeschooling Ideas and Gain Insights From Homeschooling Experiences

Fulton Books author Amy Earls, a mother, and a homeschool teacher, has completed her most recent book "Homeschooling Myths":  an essential approach to the innovative lifestyle that homeschooling offers in which preconceived thoughts and myths about it are debunked and revamped.

"Homeschooling has been in the educational mainstream for a few decades now. Over two million school-age children (K-12) are currently being homeschooled, and the number keeps going up. This is not a new phenomenon, and you can successfully teach your children at home. However, even with the rising number of homeschooled children in the United States, there are several myths that continue to make people question this viable, educational method.

In Homeschooling Myths: A Personal Perspective, Amy Earls tells about her own experiences when encountering the various myths that "concerned" people felt the need to confront her with. While it is possible to find all sorts of helpful websites that talk about homeschooling myths, few share personal experiences related to those myths. Here, Amy talks about how she has handled each myth presented to her and why the myth is, in her opinion, just that—a myth.

Within the book, you will also find several quotes that pertain to homeschooling myths, educational quotes, and a brief description of the various methods of homeschooling. You might also encounter a few reasons for homeschooling that might resonate with you, personally.

It is Amy's sincere hope that this book will help you in your own homeschooling journey or even help you determine if homeschooling is right for your family. If you have family members or friends that are questioning your decision to homeschool, pass this book along to them. Maybe it will help. If you are not in agreement with your loved one's decision to homeschool, perhaps this book will open your mind to the possibilities and opportunities that this educational method offers."

Published by Fulton Books, Amy Earls' book is a wholesome experience of learning about another method of teaching or having education that helps in consideration for a person and favors them to have more flexibility in their lifestyle.

This book also introduces other people's journeys in homeschooling in which a person hasn't known before. With endless possibilities, it surely gives rewarding insights of what homeschooling has to offer.

Readers who wish to experience this enlightening work can purchase "Homeschooling Myths" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books