Alpha Digits to Review Smartphone Apps

Alpha Digits ( is a three months old site that has been providing tips about mobile app marketing. It is known for its out of box approach in exploring new ways to market smartphone apps successfully.

Popular app marketing site Alpha Digits is going to publish smartphone app reviews.

Alpha Digits ( is a three months old site that has been providing tips about mobile app marketing. It is known for its out of box approach in exploring new ways to market smartphone apps successfully. Apart from app marketing news, Alpha Digits has been publishing news items under a variety of topics like top smartphone apps and app deals.

Now Alpha Digits has come out with a new way to help developers - providing app reviews for the iOS and Android apps. The site invites developers to submit their app to get an honest opinion about their product. The review would be around 300 words with a rating for the app. It will also have links to the App Store or Android Market page. The app review will appear with attractive screenshots of the app.

Alpha Digits has reviewers who have reviewed hundreds of iOS and Android apps for many popular sites. With their expertise, they would help young developers to identify the area, where they are lacking and it would also help users find good apps for their mobile devices. The reviews will get published in popular social media like Twitter and Facebook and also will get bookmarked in sites such as Digg, Stumble Upon, Delicious and Reddit.

While speaking about this new endeavor, Steve August the chief editor of the site said, "We are running a young site to help enthusiastic developers in finding ways for promoting their app. For the past few weeks, we have been receiving hundreds of review requests, even though we haven't provided any app reviews so far. So finally we have decided to come up with app reviews".

Developers can submit their app in the form provided and they can also avail the service of Featured review to gain more publicity for their app. Featured reviews will appear in the 'Featured' section of the site and will stay there for at least a day to gain maximum exposure. Alpha Digits is also looking to provide gadget reviews and mobile accessory reviews in the future. Developers can submit news to Alpha Digits, while launching or updating their smartphone app.