AIP Raising Awareness and Funds for Save the Children

​The AIP team recently participated in an effort to raise awareness and funds on behalf of Save the Children. The company’s Director of Operations discussed the organization and offered some tips for giving.

“In accordance with our commitment to giving, we gave our time and energy to a worthy cause,” said the AIP Director of Operations. “Save the Children is one of the most influential nonprofits in the world, and it’s a pleasure to support it. We’ve raised more than $2.3 million so far!”

"In accordance with our commitment to giving, we gave our time and energy to a worthy cause."

The firm’s Director shared some information about Save the Children, explaining that it is nearly 100 years old. Domestic efforts help children living in poverty, which is a family of four living on less than $24 thousand per year. Funding helps pay for preschool, healthy food, books, and literacy programs. International efforts help treat and prevent HIV, provide clean water in areas where it’s scarce, fight human trafficking, and curb the infant mortality rate.

“Everyone on the AIP team is passionate about making a positive impact,” stated the Director of Operations. “We’re really enthusiastic, and it rubs off on others. It’s excellent for rallying support on behalf of organizations in need! We look forward to continuing on the road to a brighter future for all.”

AIP Director of Operations Details Best Practices for Giving

Knowing the benefits of philanthropy, the AIP Director of Operations encourages other leaders to commit to socially responsible business. The Director indicated that doing so does not require an exorbitant amount of effort, and offered some tips.

“I encourage any business manager to organize charity events that align with the interests of their people,” continued the Director. “If a lot of your associates are emotionally invested in the well-being of animals, maybe you can put together a drive to collect items for your local shelter. Dog and cat food, blankets, toys, kitty litter, and gift cards are sure to go over well.”

Chances are that not everyone on a team will be interested in the same charity, so the Director pointed out that it’s helpful to add some variety to giving activities. This way, everyone will feel connected to the overall philanthropic work – and they won’t get bored from doing the same thing repeatedly.

“Finally, I’ve found that things became much more organized and streamlined when we developed a fundraising committee,” concluded the Director of Operations. “Select a few team members and assign them responsibility for coordinating activities and accommodations, and for getting everyone else excited.”

About AIP:

AIP’s renowned promotional events help change-oriented organizations forge connections with likeminded individuals. The firm’s brand ambassadors move social benefit businesses and nonprofits from the virtual world to the real world. They use a model based on having an on-the-ground presence that allows for greater visibility and more personal connections. With a mission to brighten the future, the team makes a greater impact with every conversation. From child poverty to environmental health, they support meaningful causes that are making the world a better place. To learn more about how their passion energizes the movement for social good,
