Advance's Sales Forecasting Tool 'SCOTSMAN®' Is the Right Choice
Online, February 6, 2014 ( - Most salespeople will agree that 'Time Management' is the biggest challenge which affects their sales performance. Among all the factors of time management: Travel, Administration, and Business Meetings, sales people will agree that two third of their time get lost in deals which never materialises! Few may say that they learn when they lose but its definite that they learn a lot when they win.
Generally sales people assimilate a lot of data for an accurate conclusion of their sales deals. One popular method is listing down 'show-stoppers'. Show stoppers are the list of factors which can foil the sales deal. Many will agree that budget, competition and need fitments are the main 'Showstoppers' to be considered while planning a sales deal. There is a typical phase in 'Sales Cycle', where the sales people just need to wait for their prospect's decision. This typical phase can be better described as 'fog of unknown'. Sales Managers get the real pain in projecting their figures during this period. Most of the mismatches in sales projection arise due to uncontrolled nature of 'fog of unknown' phase.
Sales process consultants or Sales coaches often don't have any idea to overcome the phase of 'fog of unknown' and quantify the uncertainty.
Advance Selling Skills Academy's registered qualification process SCOTSMAN® is an ideal metric to forecast sales. After a lot of research, Advance came up with the well thought metric 'SCOTSMAN®' Advance has helped more than twenty thousand sales professionals across the world by equipping them with this scientific process. The idea can be easily incorporated into a sales automation system.
Each alphabet of 'SCOTSMAN' denotes factors to be considered and quantified for sales forecast. 'S' denotes Solution, 'C' denotes Competition, 'O' denotes Originality, 'T' denotes Timescales, 'S' denotes Size, 'M' denotes Money, 'A' denotes Authority, and 'N' denotes Need.
Solution is the prescription of sales people to client's issues or expectations. Competition is the competitor analysis for the prescribed product or service. Originality is the strength of the product's or service's uniqueness or Unique Selling Propositions. Timescale is the time required for implementing or executing the solution given to client. Size is the check of feasibility of solution. Money implies the budget, pricing and costs involved with solution. 'Authority' measures the depth of access with the decision makers. Need is the ultimate check of the client's requirement of the prescribed solution.
Advance Selling Skills Academy has designed a questionnaire for each stage of SCOTSMAN. The answer to the questions is close ended and can be quantified. After calibrating the responses against
SCOTSMAN, the salespeople can quantify the sales deal with definite numeric outcomes like 8 out of 10, 6 out of 10 etc. This process automatically brings transparency in the entire sales process management. Senior executives can keep a track with more accuracy on the sales deals and this leads them to better forecasting.
When all organisations are going for sales automation, there is hardly any room to leave qualitative data in the entire sales process. Advance's SCOTSMAN® is a definitely a big leap towards sales automation.
About Advance UK:
Advance is an online sales training academy. Established in UK from past 20 years and now expanding in India. Advance provides e-learning and performance support for global and small to medium-sized businesses and individual independent learners.
Author: Aurindam Ghosal