Accelerate Events, Inc. Emphasizes Team Travel

The managers at Accelerate Events, Inc. outlined the advantages of attending industry events. The director of operations highlighted the skills team members learn during business travel.

“At Accelerate Events, Inc., we encourage our team members to attend conferences and industry events,” said Anna, the director of operations. “In addition to career development, these occasions provide our associates with a wealth of opportunities.”

“Obviously, we send our people to these events to learn as much as they can,” said Anna. “We want them to understand the latest techniques and tools so we can continue to produce high-quality promotions.” With the high volume of information being presented, this can be a challenge, so Anna and the team map out a strategy before leaving for the show. “As a group, we review the agenda and decide how to get the best coverage while we are there,” she added. “Then we share what we learned when we return to the office.”

"The use of technology has greatly enhanced the benefits we receive from attending conferences,"

Anna, Director of Operations

Another benefit team members receive at conferences is the ability to network with other professionals. “At these events, our associates enjoy meeting with their peers and industry experts,” said Anna. “It’s inspiring to make connections with the heavy hitters in the field, plus it’s a great opportunity to establish valuable relationships. You never know if a new acquaintance will lead to a significant business opportunity in the future!”

“The use of technology has greatly enhanced the benefits we receive from attending conferences,” added the director. Team members who are attending the event can easily post updates on their social media accounts to let everyone back at the office know what’s hot on the show floor. “Individuals can post questions about the topics that are being presented. Everyone gets to participate, whether they are there or not!”

Accelerate Events, Inc. Leader Shares the Skills Associated With Business Travel

Anna and the Accelerate Events, Inc. management team understand that business travel presents its own challenges. “When you are on the road, you are required to make real-time decisions,” she said. “Traveling gives you the opportunity to develop skills that benefit your life.”

One valuable skill that travel requires is time management. “When you are on a business trip, you need to plan things properly,” said Anna. “If you have to be in three cities in one week, you need to manage your time to get to the airport, make your flights, and attend multiple meetings. All these activities require punctuality!”

Stress management is another capability that travel enables. “Like managing multiple campaigns, traveling requires you to keep many balls in the air,” said the director. “This means you have to keep your cool. When your flight has been delayed and then cancelled in the middle of the night, you need to be in control of your situation so you can plan your next steps. It’s not always easy.”

“Travel provides you with an incredible amount of opportunities,” said Anna. “At Accelerate Events, Inc., we believe that attending events in new locations provides personal and professional development options that cannot be replicated in the office. When our team members attend conferences, we know they will be learning more about their work. We also know they will be learning more about themselves.”

About Accelerate Events, Inc.

Accelerate Events, Inc. is a goal-oriented marketing and consulting services provider. They offer customizable experiential outreach initiatives that consistently increase brand awareness, consumer engagement and loyalty, as well as market share growth. The firm’s history of success has allowed for ongoing growth and expansion into new client industries. Furthermore, the team’s experience serving businesses of various sizes allows its branding specialists to meet a wide range of diverse needs. A steadfast dedication to its core values sets Accelerate Events, Inc. apart from its competitors, and it continues to help clients achieve their goals. To learn more, visit today.