A Stress Free Religious Trip From Portland to L.A. With Three Young Kids?

Los Angeles, CA, February 29, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Tad Reeves, of The Scientology Parent website, describes the trip he and wife Kat and the three kids recently took to Los Angeles.
Although the family usually receives their Scientology services in Portland, Oregon, they decided to go to L.A. so wife Kat could receive advanced spiritual religious services only available there and in Clearwater, Florida; or at the advanced Scientology Churches in Sydney, Australia; Copenhagen, Denmark; and East Grinstead, England.
"My wife had been having Scientology counseling (known as auditing) at our local church and in her progress, the next particular prescribed action she was to do was only delivered at a more advanced organization and because flying five people is expensive and driving 20 hours with a baby is painful, we opted to book a trip on Amtrak, and took the train down and back."
Thaddeus Reeves, Scientology Parent
Reeves writes, “my wife had been having Scientology counseling (known as auditing) at our local church and in her progress, the next particular prescribed action she was to do was only delivered at a more advanced organization.”
As she would have to be in L.A. for a week, and she is still breastfeeding their seven-month-old baby, they decided to go as a family. “And because flying five people is expensive,” Reeves writes, “and driving 20 hours with a baby is painful, we opted to book a trip on Amtrak, and took the train down and back.”
They took the Amtrak Coast Starlight from Portland down to L.A., and even with a sleeper car it was still less expensive than flying and it was utterly, completely stress-free, he says. Of course it doesn’t hurt that the 6 and 7-year-olds were brought up with Thomas the Train, making trains one of their favorite things in the world.
From the photos, the kids clearly loved their train ride and Reeves and the baby even got some shuteye (with the photo presumably taken by his wife).
What particularly helped them with their week in L.A. was the grand opening last summer of two Scientology religious retreats, the Fountain and the Golden Crest, specifically to cater to individuals and families like the Reeves, traveling to the city for advanced services.
When they arrived at Los Angeles Union Station, a Church shuttle was already there, ready to take the family into Hollywood.
Reeves describes the Golden Crest as ideal for families. “We reserved a two-bedroom suite, which honestly would have functioned just fine as a long-term apartment,” he says. “Kitchen, dining area, living area—all were spacious and worked well for our family of five.”
Reeves looked after the kids while Kat was receiving sessions which she found “immensely stabilizing for herself as an individual.” He describes her as “the rock— the absolute center that our family revolves around,” and his attitude toward Kat is, “anything we can do that helps her be more happy and stable as an individual is energy well-invested.”
Reeves has documented the life of his kids and family in a continuous stream of photos on Flickr. He and Kat are raising the kids on Scientology principles developed by L. Ron Hubbard, and from the completely congenial atmosphere of their home, it is clearly doing the trick.
For more information on the Reeves family visit the Scientology Parent Website.