A Simple and Affordable Mobile Workforce Solution for Businesses

Despite the current economic climate one Irish Company, Nvolve Limited, is making a lot of noise internationally with the launch of their new simple and affordable mobile and distributed workforce platform which has many international companies alrea

The platform is a complete suite of web based services ideal for owner managers of SME's who need a solution to manage a mobile or distributed workforce and to reduce the costs and complexity of doing so. The services include free remote desktop connector, free teleconferencing, webconferencing, online workspaces, performance management and learning and knowledge banks.

Lee Tedstone, Chief Operating Officer of Nvolve says that "The uncertainty of the current economic climate poses many threats for a lot of organisations but having the correct technologies in place, reducing communications costs and making the most of your current workforce is fundamental in order to not only survive but thrive and be in a better competitive position. Companies are now realising that they do not have to jump in a car or airplane to meet a client or partner, they can simply use Nvolve's platform and get the work done faster and cost effectively".

To date 1000's of users are using the Nvolve solution from all corners of the globe and will help any business reduce costs, improve performance, improve collaboration and increase profit.
The Nvolve Platform is available now on a 30 day Free Trial basis and some services within the platform are completely free. To get your own account simply go to www.nvolve.net and sign up.

Press Contact: Annemarie Doohan, Marketing Manager, www.nvolve.net; Tel +353 (0)7491 16000. Email: adoohan@nvolve.net