A Furry Friend With A Strong Message

Meg Walsh, author of the popular children's book, Mama, Won't You Play With Me?, has recently released a limited edition "Dudley Duckling" plush to add to her already inspirational message of hope and comfort.

Walsh, a Registered Nurse and Systemic Lupus Sufferer wrote Mama, Won't You Play With Me? after a severe Lupus flare that affected her family greatly. "What I remember most vividly," says Walsh, "is the look on my children's faces when I would tell them that Mommy was too sick to play. To look at them you would have thought that I had told them that I did not love them! It was then that I realized that even though they were so young, they too needed help in coping with the situation that we were faced with."
Mama, Won't You Play With Me? is the story of Dudley Duckling whose Mama has a broken wing and cannot play with him. It is a heartwarming story of family and love to be enjoyed by any child and may bring comfort to the child with an ill or disabled parent or caregiver.
Walsh says that the Dudley plush was designed to be " perfect for snuggling if the child is feeling a bit down about their situation, and a friend that understands".
The 8" Dudley Duckling plush is available in limited quantities and exclusively at her website, www.megwalshonline.com. Mama, Won't You Play With Me? is available through Amazon and most other book retailers.
Through the month of May, Walsh will be donating a portion of the proceeds to the Lupus Foundation of America. Every few months, a new illness related charity will be chosen to receive her donation. Meg Walsh can be contacted through her website, www.megwalshonline.com, or by email at megwalshonline@optonline.net. She encourages readers to contact her to share their stories and nominate a new charity to receive her donation.