5 Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know
Online, October 8, 2012 (Newswire.com) - Craig's newest book "5 Wealth Secrets"
Price: $15.00
If we gave 100 people $10,000 today, what results would we see one year from now? We would probably see that:
80% would have $0 left
16% would have $10,500
4% would have between $20,000 and $1,000,000
Why? Because 96% of us have never been taught to practice the Five Secrets that result in natural, supernatural, and generational wealth multiplication.
Discover five simple biblical principles that anyone could implement, but most people don't. Implementing these Five Secrets in your life could radically change not only your current financial situation, but the financial future of your children and grandchildren.
"I wish I had this book when I was in my early twenties! Reading and applying the information in Craig Hill's book, Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don't Know, would have made me a very wealthy man ten times over had I known and followed the very simple advice he gives in this book. It is a must read for every person, especially every young person. Do yourself and your children a favor, make this required reading as soon as they are old enough to grasp the concept of money. Well done Craig!"
Os Hillman, president, Marketplace Leaders, author of TGIF Today God Is First and Change Agent
E-Book version for Kindle now available! Click here to see it on Amazon.com.
E-Book version for Nook now available! Click here to see it on BarnesAndNoble.com.
• Pastor Craig Hill and his wife, Jan, live near Denver, Colorado, USA. Craig and Jan give senior leadership to Family Foundations International (FFI). FFI is a non-profit Christian ministry through which life-changing seminars are conducted in many nations of the world. Craig has written several books, including his best seller, The Ancient Paths.
• Through his past experience in business, missions, counseling and pastoral ministry, God has given Craig unique insight into marriage, family, financial and interpersonal relationships. This has resulted in his ability to identify for many people, root causes of relational conflict, compulsive habits, low self-esteem, workaholism, lack of financial provision and other undesirable life patterns, which are repeated from one generation to the next. By interweaving personal stories with biblical truths, God has anointed Craig to pierce through the veil of the mind to minister to the depths of the heart, resulting in real life change for many.