Zoomlion: Technological Innovation Achievements in Green Development

his calculation, the national annual savings of millions of tons of cement, known as "the field of concrete production technology revolution."

Green development is the history of human development, a major transformation of the traditional industrial development path of subversion, its innovative model is also required to comply with sustainable, low energy consumption, low pollution requirements. Currently, China's average life expectancy of building less than 30 years, which is one of the important reasons of life is not long concrete building materials, building construction has become a big dismantling huge waste of resources. In addition, the main raw material of concrete - cement in the production process of carbon dioxide emissions about mankind 5% of total carbon dioxide emissions, global warming is the culprit. In April this year, Zoomlion launched the world's first continuous gradation concrete mixing floor to address these issues out of the recipe.

Engineers environmental aspects into product development process, full account of the whole product life cycle and sustainable resource utilization level, on-demand production of high-quality sand and gravel, and directly dubbed high-quality, long-life continuous level With concrete, the concrete strength increased by 50%, life expectancy increased to more than 100 years. At the same time, the device by controlling the sand and gravel aggregate grain shape and size, give full play to the role of aggregate bearing strength, dramatically reducing the costs and carbon dioxide emissions, to produce 1 cubic meter of concrete can save about 100 kg cement . This calculation, the national annual savings of millions of tons of cement, known as "the field of concrete production technology revolution."

The new green products to enterprise development provides a powerful driving force, since 2013, the overall decline in the situation facing the industry, Zoomlion concrete mixing equipment, but contrarian flying, hit a record high, stable industry first.

The development of circular economy will "waste oil" turning waste into treasure
Culture and habits of diet meals, our food waste produced annually by more than 5,000 tons, worth more than 500 billion yuan, and the disposal of mismanagement, resulting in "waste oil" and "Shaoshui pig" flooding, a serious threat to food safety. Complex composition of food waste, recyclable contains a lot of organic matter, animal fats, but also mixed with linen tablecloths, plastic bags, tableware and other impurities, easy to acidification, low C / N, high salinity, extremely difficult to deal with, foreign equipment China's food waste were helpless. However, in Changsha, there is such a facility, the ability to "waste oil" turning waste into treasure.

2008, Zoomlion establishment of "food waste recycling disposal" project group, change the original "raw materials - products - markets" linear development model, and began the practice of recycling economy. For Chinese engineers focus on key characteristics of food waste, to solve the sorting, cleaning, pulping, fermentation and many other technical problems, developed with independent intellectual property rights of food waste harmless, reduction and recycling processing systems, successfully "waste oil" into biodiesel, biogas and industrial raw materials. June 2012, built in Changsha, the country's largest food waste harmless treatment plant successfully passed the exam, the city of Changsha to start processing more than 300 tons of food waste per day, this plant can produce more than 5400 tons of biodiesel, generating 19.71 million kwh, the annual savings of 6,900 tons of standard coal, 19,500 tons of carbon emissions. Circular economy based on technological innovation to achieve a resource - products - renewable resources virtuous cycle to achieve the economic, environmental and social benefits of win-win situation.
Lightweight carbon fiber technology, energy saving escort

When the traditional technology in the field of energy saving into a bottleneck, the introduction of cutting-edge technology for the green development of a new impetus.

Back in 2001, well-known companies in the world of Italian CIFA has begun to engage the world's leading technology carbon fiber materials research, to September 2008 "married" into China, and in Changsha Zoomlion "wedding." Three years, Zoomlion effectively integrate their global resources, relying on the industry's only National Laboratory, the National Engineering Technology Center, the success of the original for the aerospace carbon fiber composite material used in concrete pumps and other construction machinery products. 2012, the application of carbon fiber concrete pump truck boom length of over 100 meters, breaking the Guinness Book of World Records, it is a high-rise buildings and large span works provides efficient equipment. The technology enables pump truck weight more than 40% of total truck weight reduction of 15% or more, lightweight brings a significant reduction in energy consumption, while carbon fiber material application of the product life of up to 20 years. October 2012, Zoomlion to establish a joint venture with the Italian RIBA carbon Materials Co., Ltd., the main business for industrial construction machinery and equipment such as high-strength carbon fiber composite parts manufacturing and sales of industrial R & D, formally enter the industrial chain upstream. Carbon fiber raw materials, research and development, technological innovation through the material further promote the development of green industries.