Zone Technique Chiropractor Takes Revolutionary Method on the Road
BERKELEY, Calif., November 7, 2020 ( - The seed a mentor planted into a young Pete Goldman was the catalyst for the creation of his revolutionary Zone Technique, a method he shares with chiropractors, other doctors, and healers through his Zone School of Healing.
"When people come to me, they've been to so many other healers … and the repeating pattern is that they're not well," said Dr Pete.
For the last 25-plus years, the San Francisco Bay Area-based chiropractor has worked with and restored professional athletes, health practitioners and everyday people to vibrant health with this holistic practice.
The Zone Technique is based on many of Dr Pete's influences and experiences, with a major one being the teachings of Dr. Thurman Fleet, who created Zone Therapy in 1931.
After learning Zone Therapy in 1993 and refining it over two decades, Dr Pete developed the Zone Technique with the idea of patients achieving wonderful physical and emotional health.
From eliminating pain and poor digestion to restoring sleep, focus, energy and a healthy immune system—the Zone Technique achieves balance within the human body for optimal quality of life.
The method can reverse effects that emotional, physical or chemical stresses have caused in the body.
The Zone Technique analyses specific points on the back of the head that relate to the six different systems in the body. They include the glandular, eliminative, nerve, digestive, muscular and circulatory systems.
During sessions, Dr Pete teaches his students how to balance the body and mind using only his technique and their two hands.
The Zone Technique can deliver life-changing results during just two-minute sessions that stimulate the spinal cord, sending healing energy to the brain and correcting communication with the body's cells.
Also fascinating is Dr. Goldman's comment that "What I've learned that my mentors didn't teach me is there's a way you can put a patient in a very passive state and give them things to visualize that will reroute patterns in their subconscious mind, ultimately healing their body."
The Zone Technique is for all types of doctors and healers, including chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, osteopaths, etc. The method can be applied to deliver unparalleled results.
"I would love to teach as many healers about real healing so they can help as many people as possible to heal," said Dr Pete.
On Nov. 13, Dr Pete will take the stage in Atlanta for a one-day live event at The Hotel Avalon.
The live, hands-on seminar will include demonstrations on what a typical visit looks like, high-level healing visualizations, an in depth look at the Zone Technique, and much much more.
Click here for a list of Dr Pete's remaining live 2020 seminars. Zone school live events are open to Zone School members and nonmembers.
Live event recordings can be purchased by Zone School members who can't attend the seminars.
Learn more at
Source: Dr Peter Goldman