Zinc Plays an Essential Role in Prostate Health, Reminds Nutritionist at Full of Health

Zinc playsan important role in the prostate health. Deficiency of this trace mineral may lead to multiple prostate problems, including cancer.

Prostate, a walnut-sized gland that wrapped around the urethra, is a part of male’s reproductive system. Whenenlarged it leads to a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Its symptoms include a decrease in the force of urine stream, difficulty in beginning of urination, and dribbling after urinating. This condition leads to the buildup of urine in the bladder which increases the likelihood that pathogenic bacteria growing and triggerring an infection/inflammation, called prostatitis.

Taking antibiotics for prostate enlargement and/or prostate infection can be a wise decision, even life-saving at time, there's no doubt about it - but not if chosen in ignorance of their natural alternatives.

“Zinc plays an important role in the health of prostate. For this reason, it should be one of the main ingredients in allnatural prostate remedies. Many clinical studies have shown that zinc deficiency in particular contributes to prostate enlargement,” says Andrew Mierzejewski, a registered nutritionist at Full of Health, Inc.

“Therefore, male’s daily diet should contain more foods rich in zinc, such asoysters, brewers yeast, wheat germ, pine nuts, cashew nuts, organic eggs and grass-fed beef. Also sesame and pumpkin seeds areknown for their high content of zinc. However, to should be kept in mind that like sodium and potassium, or calcium and magnesium, zinc and copper have overlaps in transport and metabolism. For this reason, balancing dietary zinc and copper sources may help prevent deficiency or excess of either mineral,” says Mr. Mierzejewski.

About Full of Health:

Full of Health, Inc. offers a free extensive patient-centered online resource for practical information on prostate health. For more information on the natural, drug-free, safe and effective solutions to prostate problems, please visit http://www.remedy-prostate-infection.com