Youth Leadership Summit Announced for Pittsburgh

The Youth Leadership Summit will be held in Pittsburgh, PA this August.

The Youth Leadership Summit is determined to be the process in which teens or young adults commit themselves to a higher level of action. The skills that are focused on are the ability to self-evaluate and be able to analyze their own actions. From this analyzing, the youth are able to determine their own strengths and weaknesses. From this determination they are able to change the thoughts that need to be revised and focus on the strengths. From the Leadership for Youth the teens are able to set personal goals. These goals can include goals for the future or goals to help them maintain with the realities of every day.

The Youth Leadership Summit is focused on giving youth the ability to feel strongly and compassionately about themselves and the world around them. They are able to develop the tools to have a higher self esteem and self worth. The leadership programs give teens the confidence to establish a working system within themselves. They are given the confidence to develop a support system around them and thrive in that atmosphere. The teens develop the ability to have the courage to help other teens who are headed in the wrong direction. Without programs like the Youth Leadership Summit, many teens wold not have the confidence to stand up and voice their opinions.

Youth who are surrounded by positive role models are much more likely to succeed than those who deal with risky behavior in isolation. Research has indicated that when teens are surrounded by a loving supportive network, they are less likely to become involved in questionable behavior. The quality Leadership for Youth programs have sound goals with engaging activities. the programs should be supported by the entire community and lead by positive role models.

Families and communities can provide a healthy support system by staying involved in the teens lives. They should have clear and concise rules with appropriate consequences. They can set clear expectations that are high and challenging without promoting defeat. The most important thing that an adult can do for their teen is to spend time together. Schools and communities can promote a positive atmosphere by expecting commitment and providing a caring environment.

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