Your Pet Will Agree That Every Meal Should Be a Feast

Did someone say FEAST?

Knowing that millions of pets in the United States may not be getting the nutrients they need for long, healthy lives, Frazzle Pets is pleased to announce that they have just introduced their Frazzle Feast monthly subscription box.

Many pet owners feed one, or maybe two types of pet foods throughout their pet’s life. This leaves their pet at great risk for dietary deficiencies and associated health problems. Eating the same food for months or years can increase the risk that a pet will develop sensitivities and allergies to specific ingredients in their food. No single food is perfect – all foods contain various quantities of different ingredients. This means any one food may be deficient or excessive in some way.

A steady diet of only one food tends to magnify the flaws in that food and cause dietary imbalances that can lead to ill health. Varying a pet’s food periodically minimizes the health consequences associated with dietary deficiencies and excesses.

Frazzle Pets monthly Feast subscription introduces a variety of delicious freeze-dried, air-dried and dehydrated food selections that pets are sure to love. Pet parents will enjoy the variety of flavors, the ease of Frazzle Pets and the peace of mind that comes from providing a healthy diet for their furry friends. Food from the Frazzle Pets feast subscription can be included in a pets menu all of the time, or just a few times a week to add variety and a balance of nutrition they might not otherwise be getting.

Frazzle Pets is the first company ever to give pet owners the opportunity to discover a variety of freeze-dried, air dried and dehydrated pet foods through a monthly subscription box. Each month they send a box filled with a number of different foods that can be added to the current menu a pet is being served, along with plenty of treats to keep a pet happy.

Frazzle Pets has partnered with 40+ pet food manufacturers in order to deliver the most convenient, healthy, and appetizing way to add an assortment of savory and healthy food options to your pet’s diet each month while learning about the different freeze dried, air dried, and dehydrated foods available. This subscription is also a great option for someone that is currently feeding their pet a raw diet. For those times when you are traveling or just don’t have time to fix the kind of meal you normally feed your pet, a Frazzle Pets feast subscription offers a perfect alternative.

For more information about Frazzle Pets, visit their website at

Media Contact:

Teri Fulkerson
Phone 802-FRAZZLE (802-372-9953)

Source: Frazzle Pets

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About Frazzle Pets

We are a monthly subscription service for your pet that delivers a variety of freeze dried, air dried, and dehydrated food products that will bridge the gap between a home-cooked or raw diet and that of a dry or canned food diet.

Frazzle Pets
13523 W Solano Dr
Litchfield Park, AZ
