Young Americans for Freedom Wins First Amendment Victory at Florida College!

School officials only allow YAF some free speech, YAF fights for Freedom for all.

After being sued by members of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), with the assistance of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), for free speech violations, Palm Beach State College (PBSC) officials agreed Monday to a court order requiring members of YAF to "disseminate leaflets and/or converse with the general public," several days per month while YAF's lawsuit represented by the ADF moves forward.

YAF members were kicked off the PBSC campus after being denied, by college officials, permission to distribute Heritage Foundation literature at a student organization fair, even though they were given prior permission by the college. They were also prohibited from handing out information within the "free speech zones" on several PBSC campuses.

"From its outright ban on student speech to its regulation of student group meetings--even when off campus--Palm Beach State's policies are among the most offensive to the First Amendment," said Casey Mattox of ADF. "This is the first step toward permanently removing these burdensome restrictions on First Amendment-protected liberties." Mr. Mattox added.

PBSC avoided a Court hearing scheduled today by agreeing to the order. PBSC also agreed to revise its policies, including its restrictions on off-campus meetings of student groups, to ensure they comply with the First Amendment. Those revisions are due by March 1st and YAF hopes they will protect the rights of all.

"The settlement process is a major victory for all students and individuals who are involved with campus activism. The fact that Palm Beach State College has realized it needs to change its policies to better reflect the rights that are granted us in the constitution is a victory for freedom. YAF will always be there ensuring that individuals' constitutional rights are upheld." said Daniel P. Diaz, Florida YAF State Chairman.

Although YAF continues to fight for the First Amendment rights of all, regardless of their political views, under the order PBSC will only allow two members of YAF, with advance notice, to disseminate literature on campus. PBSC also continues to resist allowing the conservative group from participating at the "Club Rush" event where other organizations will be tabling.

"YAF has been banished to table on the other side of campus away from the main festivities. PBSC has still not recognized us as an official club on campus even though the club has met all requirements and turned in all necessary paperwork. Club Rush is extremely important for the recruitment of new members." said Christina Beattie Chairman of Palm Beach State College YAF. "Sometimes college administrators just need to be reminded that we live in America, not Communist Russia." added Ms. Beattie.

About Young Americans for Freedom

Young Americans for Freedom
2300 M Street, NW
Suite 800,
