Yats Wine Cellars shows off the most expensive wines in Philippines

Tourists from all over Asia fly to Clark Philippines to see the most expensive wines in the Philippines housed in Yats Wine Cellars Clark Philippines and to enjoy a wine dinner at Yats Restaurant and Wine Bar Philippines.

Wines become expensive with age only if the wine is made by a good producer and the bottle came from a great vintage when climate conditions were perfect. Good vintage enables the wine to continue improving after bottling. No matter how great a wine is, it cannot achieve great complexity and depth without many many years in bottles. Inferior wine loses steam halfway through the process and fades away. The great ones continue to improve for decades, beyond a century even.

Some of these super wines can be found in Yats Wine Cellars in Clark Philippines. the Yats wine collection is well known among local and regional wine lovers, breeding much admiration and often some envy. It is the only venerable source of great rare wine in Asia.

Several wines that were voted by wine critics as the wine of the last century can be found in these cellars. They include the famous 1947 Ch. Cheval-Blanc from Bordeaux's famous right bank district of St. Emilion. admiration and often some envy. It is the only venerable source of great rare wine in Asia.

Several wines that were voted by wine critics as the wine of the last century can be found in these cellars. They include the famous 1947 Ch. Cheval-Blanc from Bordeaux's famous right bank district of St. Emilion. This wine is rich and concentrated dark colored in youth and still hasn't lost much of its pigments at over 60 years in age. It is anybody's guess how much longer this sturdy lady will stand but the price today is p800,000.

The 1900 Ch. Lafite-Rothschild is often compared to the other slightly-more-famous legend, the 1900 Ch. Margaux. Both came from the highly prized district in Bordeaux called Pauillac which incidentally also produces some of the finest and most sought-after, not to mention expensive lamb products. Take a wild guess what one might want to eat with the wines from Pauillac. Lamb. The 1900 Lafite would cost p1.2M.

Napa Valley weighed in with one of its own jewels, a legend in its own right not inferior to anyone else from anywhere. That's the great Napa wine 1974 Heitz Martha's Vineyard Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon. That was a very special year and a great vintage for Heitz. Although Napa is often classified as new-world, Heitz Martha's Reserve is every bit a classic red wine as a Bordeaux or a Burgundy. Far too many people drank this bottle up far too early in its life, leaving precious few to reach maturity today. Price tag is p250,000.

In the display window of the main cellar at Yats Restaurant ( www.YatsRestaurant.com ), you can see a large-size (magnum) bottle of Petrus which is well known to be one of the most expensive wines in the world. On closer examination, one sees it is a 1974 Ch. Petrus. For sure that's worth a few bucks, well, php 1.5M if you want a ball-park estimate.

There are many more bottles worthy of mention in the Yats Wine Cellars. The cellars are not open to the public. Special arrangements have to be made with the Chef/General Manager of Yats Restaurant, Philip Golding for a guided tour.

For inquiries and reservations, please email them at Wine@Yats-International.com, call (02) 633-1566 or (045) 599-5949, or send us an sms text message with your name and land line number to 0917-520-4393.
