Yankee Doodle Candy Grand Opening

A Unique North End Destination, A Nostalgic Candy Store Opens

BOSTON -- If you’re a fan of Boston’s North End -- and who isn’t? -- you now have a new candy store to visit and just in time for Halloween to buy unique treats.

On Saturday, Oct. 24, the Yankee Doodle Candy store invites the public to its grand opening. The store opens at noon and fittingly, festivities begin at 2 p.m. just as the North End Halloween Parade is ending.

“As long as you’re in a Halloween mood, you might as well come to our store for our Halloween candies,” joked Lia Collin, who co-owns the store with mother Virginia Omar and sisters Carla Stangenberg and Paula Stangenberg. “If you do, you will learn that we’re not a typical candy store. We’re unique. Our candies will remind grownups of their childhood and give children a chance to enjoy candies they’ve never enjoyed before. Yankee Doodle Candy doesn’t sell the kinds of candy that you can buy at stores throughout Boston."

Located at 56 Salem St. in the historic North End of Boston, the neighborhood where colonial Americans signaled in 1775 that the British Army was coming, Yankee Doodle Candy sells artisan chocolates, bulk chocolates, and nostalgic chocolates that are hand-crafted in Maine. If you crave sweet fun, Yankee Doodle Candy has plenty of candy for you. It also sells fudge, candy corn, caramels, gummies of all sorts, cinnamon disks, jelly beans, Mary Jane’s, wax lips, mints, nuts and all kinds of taffy. 

Going to your typical neighborhood pharmacy to purchase Halloween treats is not the same as the experience of going to a real candy store.  Yankee Doodle’s prices are comparable and it’s so much more fun.  “We want people to stop and smell the chocolate,” says Lia, “creating a memory of an event be it Halloween, a birthday, a special occasion or a goal accomplished.”


Saturday will be a great day to bring the family to the North End, experience the Halloween parade, visit Yankee Doodle Candy and the sites of one of Boston’s most historic neighborhoods.  You can even check out the Halloween Pet Parade and Costume Contest at Faneiul Hall. 

On Oct. 24 -- seven days before Halloween –Yankee Doodle’s Grand Opening is an event within so many events.  Visitors can buy candies stocked on the shelves. Paying customers will essentially be giving children all over the world a Halloween treat because part of the proceeds will be donated to the United Nations Children’s Fund, which is better known as UNICEF.

“Yankee Doodle Candy’s concern for children extends beyond giving them candy to enjoy,” said Carla Stangenberg.

The grand opening event will festivities includes, special guests, including Boston City Council member Sal LaMattina. In addition:

* The office of Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito conveys to the store an honorary citation commemorating its opening.
* Riverside Boat Club members, which has placed numerous men and women on national and Olympics teams, will trick or treat for UNICEF.

More importantly, Rose’s inspiration will be felt, she would be proud to watch her daughter and granddaughters launch their business. “She used to stuff her pockets with candy and give them to people visiting her home,” said Paula. “She always loved candy, but she never expected that candy and her generosity would inspire a new business."

Yankee Doodle Candy, across from the Rose Kennedy Greenway, Faneiul Hall, the Boston Public Market and the Haymarket T Stop is open 7 days a week from Noon to 7 p.m. You can get more information about its specific products by visiting the store’s website – http://www.yankeedoodlecandyboston.com

The North End Halloween Parade begins at 1 p.m. at Battery and Hanover streets. It ends at 2 p.m. -- just as Yankee Doodle Candy’s official grand opening begins. 


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