Writing Website GhostWriter Dad Releases Free Report On How Aspiring Writers Should Use Social Networking To Their Advantage

GhostWriter Dad, the website dedicated to helping good writers make a great living, has released a free report entitled "How to Get Known in Social Media in Only 15 Minutes a Day." The report is designed to help professional writers enhance thei

GhostWriter Dad, a website devoted to the world of freelance writing, has released a free report for professional writers. Entitled "How to Get Known in Social Media in Only 15 Minutes a Day," the report details strategies that writers can use to further their careers by use of social networking sites.

"How to Get Known in Social Media in only 15 Minutes a Day" is divided into sections, each covering a different popular website or type of website. Each section details how a writer can spend 15 minutes every day on that particular type of website to bolster their writing career.

The report covers a variety of social media websites and types of websites. There are strategies given for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, blogs, forums, image sharing, and others.

The report describes a number of strategies in each section. There are tips on how much time should be devoted to each aspect of the site. The types of comments and posts that a writer should leave and on whose pages are discussed. There are also tips on which social media sites a writer would be best served by using.

The writers at GhostWriter Dad are aware of the importance of social networking to today's writers, but are also aware of how confusing and even frightening social networking can be.

According to the GhostWriter Dad website, "Social media may have changed the way writers like you do business, but if you don't get a handle on your daily schedule, social media will throw you from its back like a bucking bronco. Your needs are as unique as the life you live and the words that you write - you deserve a smart social media strategy that fits neatly into your busy life and individual needs."

"How to Get Known in Social Media in only 15 Minutes a Day" is currently available online at http://ghostwriterdad.com/social-media-report/. The report is free if the user provides their e-mail address.