Writing in Style Connects With Passionate Valley Residents About The Vital Role Of The Handwritten Note.

Writing in Style releases new video interviews about handwritten communication.

Writing in Style has recently released video interviews with several valley residents that discuss the power of the handwritten note and the passion they have in their lives both personally and professionally.

Vernon B. Parker, who served as the Special Assistant in the White House under George H. Bush is featured in the first video interview. He discusses with Writing in Style, the importance of preserving history through the handwritten note and the passion he has for Paradise Valley.
The next video, introduces Sid Austin, a walking historian of writing memorabilia, who shares how his passion for writing instruments has helped him overcome his reading and writing disability.

Kelly Ehley, an associate at Writing in Style, discusses how powerful the handwritten note can be when having a loved one incarcerated and how it has influenced her passion for songwriting for her band, Lost in the Sun.

Dr. Richard Jacoby, respected valley foot and ankle surgeon, is the last of the interviewees and meets with Cindy to discuss the close relationship he had with her father and the passion he has to help patients through advanced technology.

Cindy Zimmermann, founder of Writing in Style, LLC, is passionate about ensuring that the handwritten communication remains a vital part of our culture and history. Founded in 2005, Writing in Style, LLC, merges education, advocacy, and product offerings to celebrate and preserve the handwritten word.