World Spa & Travel Magazine Launches a Digital Edition, Bundling the Luxury and Adventure That Comes with Travel at the Consumer's Disposition - Any Time, Anywhere.

World Spa & Travel Magazine caters to an affluent demographic who have acquired an affinity for luxurious travel around the world. Not only does this consumer demographic enjoy traveling, but they also love immersing themselves in the culture of thei

World Spa & Travel Magazine launches a digital edition, bundling the luxury and adventure that comes with travel at the consumer's disposition - any time,anywhere.

World Spa & Travel Magazine caters to an affluent demographic who have acquired an affinity for luxurious travel around the world. Not only does this consumer demographic enjoy traveling, but they also love immersing themselves in the culture of their destinations. World Spa & Travel allows consumers to reconnect with nature, find adventure, attain rejuvenation, and experience authenticity while maintaining luxury throughout the entirety of their experience.

World Spa & Travel Magazine's digital edition allows consumers to subscribe to the content directly through the App Store. The convenience and accessibility of having the digital magazine on the App Store integrates perfectly with the consumers' life versus interrupting it. Subscribers have the flexibility of downloading it to their smart phones or tablets. The digital edition is designed in a beautiful way, capturing the essence of each destination. Rather than having the digitalization of the magazine disengage the reader, the interactivity of the magazine captivates the readers. Firstly, the magazine adds content value to its audience by positioning itself as help tool for methodically planning a trip as well as a travel magazine for pleasure. The magazine's content is designed in a manner that allows consumers to easily and efficiently navigate throughout the magazine. Our magazine does a great job of describing a destination, followed by highlighting its unique, desirable cities, activities, and finally the destination's culture and history.

After beautifully depicting the destinations through words and photo-journalistic pictures, the magazine contains a live advertisement feature of resorts, hotels, spas, restaurants, cultural landmarks and activities where all logistics are accessible. Once again, the magazine takes advantage of the digital possibilities, in this case with advertising, to enhance the experience for the reader. World Spa & Travel Magazine offers a variety of subscriptions: six-month subscription: $13.99, one-year Subscription: $26.99, and an individual edition: $4.99.

World Spa & Travel Magazine is dedicated to present the latest trends in luxury travel through its global digital distribution. Our photojournalists and reporters travel to dream destinations where they are able to truly experience the culture, and bring their experiences and recommendations for our affluent readers. Our travel content is enhanced by embedding wellness and spa aspects that are tailored to our ideal consumer: one who is enveloped in the holistic & luxurious lifestyle. World Spa & Travel is dedicated to building a community of travellers around the world. World Spa & Travel packages travel information in an accessible and comprehensive manner while maintaining luxury: our signature

For more information please contact:
Lidia Medina | Assistant Marketing Manager
World Spa & Travel Magazine I 20 Maxwell Road, #09-01 Maxwell House Singapore 069113
M: +6596860313||