With Xtel, Lavazza Makes Its Business Processes Heavenly

The European leader in solutions for the consumer goods industry will support the eminent coffee producer in its sales force incentivisation processes.

The European leader in solutions for the consumer goods industry will support the eminent coffee producer in its sales force incentivisation processes.

Lavazza, a worldwide emblem of Italian espresso and Italianness, has joined the large crowd of leading companies who have chosen to entrust XTEL with the automation of their business processes. XTEL is an international software and services company for European consumer goods companies. Lavazza was founded in Turin in 1895 by the far-sighted Luigi Lavazza, and has been owned by the Lavazza family for four generations.

It is one of the world's most important coffee producers, a leader in Italy on the retail market with a market share of 48% (Source Nielsen). Lavazza is active in 90 countries around the world, which drink 14 billion cups of its coffee yearly. It ended 2010 with one point one billion Euros of revenue.

Lavazza came to XTEL with the specific need of automating its incentivisation processes for its sales force, which had been previously managed manually through periodic developments by its IT department. Using XTEL's Sales Master One will let it manage its sales force incentivisation processes, balanced in terms of quantity and quality, which is an aspect of utmost priority for Lavazza.

"We chose XTEL for its superb professionalism and skill proven from the very start of the project and the extremely short time in which the prototype was made for the Retail Department," said Riccardo Mosca, Marketing and Sales Project leader in Lavazza's Iformation Technology Department." Plus, we were very impressed by the suite's power, which combines flexibility and usability with the complex management of the areas it handles, supported by deep expertise in the Consumer Packaged Goods market, as proven by the team put at our disposal, which was highly responsive and completely aware of our concerns as a company. "