Wisconsin Events Uses Dynamic and Word-of-Mouth Promotion

Wisconsin Events' president shared her thoughts on the many benefits of interactive marketing. She also discussed how powerful word-of-mouth promotion can be.

​​​​​At Wisconsin Events, company leaders believe that indirect promotions is not as effective. Instead, they rely on interactive campaigns and word-of-mouth marketing to notch big wins for the brands their firm promotes. “We know our dynamic methods engage people in a way that indirect promotions can’t,” stated Angela, the firm’s president. “The personal bonds that we form through interacting with the public lead to strong brand loyalty.”

This approach finds support in a range of studies that extol the virtues of personal communication. One large survey showed that 67% of business leaders prefer interactive promotion. This is despite the rising influence of mobile marketing and social media.

"Perhaps the biggest reason that word of mouth is so beneficial is the fact that the public sees it as unbiased,"

Angela , President

“It is our belief that interactive promotion gives us a leg up on the competition. It allows us to address customers’ questions and concerns in real time,” added the president. “Our associates offer clear pictures for the public and show them exactly how top brands will serve their wants and needs. You can’t do that with TV ads and billboards.”

Wisconsin Events’ President Shares the Positive Effects of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Whether a team applies interactive methods or indirect promotion, word of mouth often yields referrals that people trust. Company leaders at Wisconsin Events embrace and encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Angela shared some of the reasons why it’s so effective.

“Perhaps the biggest reason that word of mouth is so beneficial is the fact that the public sees it as unbiased,” Angela said. “People tend to trust that the person giving them the referral must be happy with a company’s products or services. Relying on happy customers to spread the word about your business is just good practice, and it’s something we do here at Wisconsin Events.”

Research has also shown that those who buy based on word-of-mouth referrals are more likely to stick with a company. They tend to do so longer than those who find a company through regular means. Another bonus is that happy referred customers are likely to spread the word to their friends and family. That makes the first bit of word-of-mouth marketing even more valuable.

“You also have to remember how inexpensive word-of-mouth advertising is,” Angela added. “Once you’re an established company, referrals from satisfied customers can push your profits like nothing else. It's tough to imagine a more cost-effective way to land a new customer."

Wisconsin Events, Inc. Shares Internal Company Updates

With the success of Wisconsin Events, Inc.'s marketing campaigns in full effect the company is proud to announce team member advancements within the leadership department. Jessica Eiden and Sonia Weber have made a lasting impact on their piers as well as the management staff throughout the organization. Angela noted, "These two bright associates have demonstrated hard work and resilience!" she continued, " They are applying their word-of-mouth techniques to their day to day campaigns and their success is evident throughout the team."

About Wisconsin Events, Inc.

Wisconsin Events, Inc. offers full service consulting and marketing services to help clients break into new markets. Using innovative promotional strategies and unique communication channels, the firm builds a relationship between clients and consumers that produces immediate results. Consumers benefit from incentives and exclusive promotions that develop brand awareness and loyalty—strengthening the client's position. With a history of success and flexibility, Wisconsin Events, Inc. maintains a diverse portfolio including small local business and large corporations. To learn more about how they empower their clients to grow, visit wisconsineventsinc.com.