Wisconsin Events Discusses Business Inspiration

Business inspiration has been a topic of recent discussion with the team at Wisconsin Events, an interactive marketing firm. The management and team members have been reflecting on the importance of being inspired by company values.

“As part of our company’s overall growth plan, we have been discussing how our team members are inspired and how we as managers can provide them with that inspiration,” said Angela, Wisconsin Event’s president. “We have several motivated team members and we want to ensure that they’re receiving the resources they need to succeed.”

Angela shared how she and the Wisconsin Events managers believe that inspired teams are the most productive. “When you have a team filled with people who are energized and ready to make a difference, you’ve developed your company’s greatest asset,” she said. “Inspired people are creative people. They love to look at every problem from different angles and arrive at a solution that’s above standard. Together, they deliver exceptional results.”

"If you raise the bar, and let them know you're confident that they can clear it, you'll see that they will ultimately achieve more,"

Angela, President

According to Angela, managers can easily inspire their teams by empowering them. “If you hand a team a project and then stand over them as they try to do their work, you’re not going to achieve the results you want,” she said. “They’ll be nervous trying to do work the way they think you want them to do it. However, if you give them clear parameters and goals, and trust them to do whatever they need to get the job done, you’ll be amazed by what they can accomplish.”

The other business inspiration factor that Angela highlighted is the need to continually challenge team members. “If you raise the bar, and let them know you’re confident that they can clear it, you’ll see that they will ultimately achieve more,” she added.

Wisconsin Events Discusses the Importance of Core Company Values

Angela confirmed that one of the many ways to achieve sustained business inspiration is to make sure each team member upholds the company’s core values. “Every professional team has specific principles or beliefs that guide them,” she noted. “These are the values that define the company.”

“At Wisconsin Events, we place a premium on strong communication channels,” Angela said. “We believe that clear, transparent communication leads to improved trust and productivity. This ensures that our team members and the brands we represent will succeed.”

Angela concluded, “We’re proud of our team members, their level of inspiration, and all they do to uphold our core values. The efforts we make to keep them motivated are what will sustain us into the future.”

About Wisconsin Events, Inc.

Wisconsin Events, Inc. offers full service consulting and marketing services to help clients break into new markets. Using innovative promotional strategies and unique communication channels, the firm builds a relationship between clients and consumers that produces immediate results. Consumers benefit from incentives and exclusive promotions that develop brand awareness and loyalty—strengthening the client's position. With a history of success and flexibility, Wisconsin Events, Inc. maintains a diverse portfolio including small local business and large corporations. To learn more about how they empower their clients to grow, visit WisconsinEvents.com.