Wisconsin Events Develops Team With Travel Incentives

The president of Wisconsin Events outlined the underrated benefits of team travel. She also detailed a few of the travel incentives that company leaders organize for their associates.

There are many tangible benefits of attending industry events such as conferences and seminars. “Our people return from big events with a range of new contacts and tricks of the trade,” stated Angela, the president of Wisconsin Events. “Those are certainly positives, so we don’t overlook how valuable they are in terms of future opportunities and enhanced performance. However, there are also some benefits of team travel that are not as visible but have just as much value.”

"Our people return from big events with a range of new contacts and tricks of the trade,"

Angela, President

Angela believes that her team members develop a camaraderie when they travel together. She explained, “Going to new places and exploring everything that a new venue offers has a profound effect on team unity. Our people get to learn more about each other during business trips than when they are working through hectic days at the office. This leads to stronger collaboration, since they obtain a fresh perspective on one another’s talents.”

Company leaders also view business travel as an ideal way to boost their team members’ confidence. “We always come back energized after a big industry event,” the president commented. “Being able to meet new people and get out of our comfort zones has a big impact on how we see ourselves and how we value our own work. It’s pretty amazing to see how motivated our people are when they get back from a conference or a corporate retreat.”

Wisconsin Events’ President Outlines Travel Opportunities


“We are always on the move here at Wisconsin Events,” declared the president. “Conferences and seminars are the events that we attend most often, plus we try to shake things up by going to new locations a few times a year. Exploring the restaurants, museums, and natural wonders of a new place never fails to inspire our people.”

The firm’s associates also compete for the right to venture to company retreats from time to time. Angela and the rest of the Wisconsin Events executive team are currently preparing for their annual rest and relaxation retreat. “There is always lots of fun in the sun on this retreat,” she concluded. “Along with that, there is plenty to learn and there are many connections to be made. I can’t wait to announce which team members get to come along for the ride.”

Whether it’s a conference devoted to leadership training or a retreat that mixes business and pleasure, the leaders at Wisconsin Events are always setting up exciting travel events.

About Wisconsin Events, Inc.

Wisconsin Events, Inc. offers full service consulting and marketing services to help clients break into new markets. Using innovative promotional strategies and unique communication channels, the firm builds a relationship between clients and consumers that produces immediate results. Consumers benefit from incentives and exclusive promotions that develop brand awareness and loyalty—strengthening the client's position. With a history of success and flexibility, Wisconsin Events, Inc. maintains a diverse portfolio including small local business and large corporations. To learn more about how they empower their clients to grow, visit wisconsineventsinc.com.