'Winterizing' Your Body Can Help During Cold & Flu Season

From immunity-supporting foods to all-natural remedies, smart strategies may keep you a little healthier this year according to Nature's Jeannie™

‘Winterizing’ your body can help you and your family stay a little healthier and a lot happier during the upcoming cold and flu season.

From immunity-supporting foods to using all-natural remedies, experts say just a few preventative strategies can help you get through the winter. And while there’s no guarantee you won’t come down with the sniffles, a ‘winterizing’ is a step in the right direction.

Consider these winterizing wellness routines:

·      Stay hydrated. During cold months, you may not feel as thirsty, but your body needs water to function properly. Drinking water can even support your immune system and help prevent you from getting sick during peak cold and flu season.

·      Choose the right foods. Jenny Shea Rawn, MS, MPH, RD, recommends adding immunity-supporting foods, including antioxidant rich fruits and veggies, whole grains, as well as probiotic (live and active cultures – good bacteria) containing foods (like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut). Rawn recommends oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and peppers, which are rich in Vitamin C; pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, which offer beta carotene; and other foods that offer immunity-supporting Vitamin E and zinc. “I also suggest you spice it up,” says Rawn. “Garlic, ginger, chili pepper and onions contain immune-supporting substances, can boost your body temperature and can help open and clear your nasal passageways when you have a cold.”

·      Keep warm. Yale University researchers have found that the cold virus thrives in a slightly cooler environment— that is, it does better in the nose than in the lungs. First, the common cold virus replicates more rapidly when it exists in chillier air surroundings. Second, the cells in our airways don’t do as good a job of fighting off viruses when we’re exposed to lower temperatures, so it’s possible that if we can keep our noses toasty, we might ward off cold symptoms, says study co-author Akiko Iwasaki, a professor in the department of immunobiology at the Yale School of Medicine. 

·      Be proactive with throat care. Often the first sign of a cold starts is a sore throat that’s scratchy, itchy, and irritated. Being that most colds start from the nose, and the #1 sinus born bacteria is staph-aureus, consider gargling with a product like Gargle Away® Advanced Throat Care. It not only supports fast symptomatic relief of sore throat, laryngitis and vocal care, but it reduces the staph-aureus bacteria by 99.9%.

·      Wash your hands regularly and keep sanitizer handy. Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. When you’re on the go, consider a hand sanitizer with no alcohol so that your skin is not compromised with frequent use. Perfect for the children as well!

·      Stay active, outdoors! Just because the weather is crisp and chilly doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors. Seek out some fun outdoor winter activities like skiing or hiking or simply bundle up for nature walks for a dose of mind and body wellness. Getting out exposes you to the Vitamin D, which helps facilitate normal immune system function.

·      Get your sleep. Ah, the power of a good night’s rest. Turns out a lack of sleep really can make us more prone to catching colds or the Flu. According to the Sleep Center of the University of Texas, data proves if you don’t sleep well, you will get sick. Sleep loss not only plays a role in whether we come down with a cold or flu, but also influences how we fight illnesses once we come down with them. One of the things that happens when we sleep is that we can get a better fever response, say researchers.

A Gargle Away 12-pack of single-serve cups retails for $10.97; 10-pack of Packets retails for $8.97; 20-pack of Packets retails for $17.97. Gargle Away is available at WalMart, Wegman’s and other national retailers, as well as online on Amazon and other online stores. Visit www.naturesjeannie.com for more information.

About Nature’s Jeannie

Nature’s Jeannie™ was born out of frustration: plagued by painful sore throats, Juliet Boghossian concocted a throat gargle she could rely on to relieve and remedy her sore throat quickly and naturally, and eventually teamed with her husband, Michael Tatosian, to further develop the product that became Gargle Away® Advanced Throat Care. Combining ancient wisdom with modern science, Gargle Away's proprietary blend of all-natural germ fighting, pain relieving and highly soothing ingredients provides the most comprehensive and effective throat care without a prescription. Nature’s Jeannie is committed to developing the most effective, innovative and relevant natural products related to whole body wellness.

Source: Nature's Jeannie™

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Established in 2014 Nature's Jeannie™ was founded by a husband and wife team that bring over 40 years combined experience in Consumer Packaged Goods and Commodities.

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