Wilson And Hampton Paining Contractors Offering Electrostatic Painting Services

Wilson and Hampton (the Anaheim, CA based painting contractor) is offering electrostatic painting services in Southern California.

Wilson and Hampton Painting Contractors is offering electrostatic painting services to serve unique painting needs of their commercial as well as industrial clients.

Electrostatic painting has been a popular choice among facilities managers. The finish and exclusive technique offered by electrostatic painting is completely different than other ways of painting. It has many advantages over other spray paint methods. It provides spotless, drip free finish and it is environmentally safe too.

Wilson and Hampton Painting Contractors has been a prominent commercial and industrial painting service provider since 1923. Their electrostatic painting services are ideal for metal refinishing. Be it any kind of metal surfaces like office furniture, storage cabinets, metal doors (used in elevator, restrooms, etc.), or machinery equipments; electrostatic painting is the best process to provide new look to them.

Wilson and Hampton Painting Contractors have the essential equipment and expert painting professionals to provide the most competitive painting services. The company is serving customers in Southern California. Their satisfied client base confirms their expertise in offering electrostatic painting services.

To know more about various commercial and industrial painting services offered by Wilson and Hampton, people can visit http://www.wilsonhampton.com.

Author Info - Wilson & Hampton Painting Contractors was established in 1923, and our experience and knowledge in painting, wood finishing and metal refinishing is unsurpassed. Read more about our 80 years of painting experience.

Contact Info -
Wilson Hampton Painting Contractors
1524 W. Mable St., P.O. Box 9949
Anaheim, CA 92812-7949
Phone -800.398.2468
Fax - 714.284.4900
Email - info@wilsonhampton.com