William Shatner Gets Real Warp Drive Invite for 80th Birthday

William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk in the popular TV series and movies, Star Trek, got a surprise that was out of this world on his message board yesterday, for his 80th birthday.

William Shatner got an unusual birthday message for his 80th birthday. On his web site, in the Forum section, a post appeared from Marshall Barnes with a title that said "Happy Birthday, Capt. Kirk". The message explains that a warp drive prototype will be revealed to the world rather soon this year and that when it's ready for the first test with a space probe, Shatner is invited to fly the probe out of Earth's orbit via remote control. http://bit.ly/f3oe16

Marshall Barnes is none other than the Marshall Barnes, who has been credited for really developing a prototype for warp drive that has been seen by a number of scientists and others, including Ike Mgbatogu, reporter for Don King's Call & Post newspaper, accelerating things faster than they can go under their own power. Since mid-February, when the Call & Post article was released, he has been hard at promoting the reality of his invention, the STDTS, which up to this point was the subject of debate on the Internet between those skeptical and those who wanted to believe it or had actually seen it. A video of it accelerating a target object faster than the speed of gravity during a test dead drop, was shown, for example, at the USA Science and Engineering Festival where NASA Kepler Mission scientist Alan Gould saw it. Gould gave Marshall his card and permission to use his name as someone who witnessed it.

A bonus for tech heads and science geeks are the excerpts from an upcoming science paper that Marshall is writing that deals with the issue of warp drive physics. Marshall found a solution to the technical problems of warp drive where no one was looking - Einstein's unfinished Unified Field Theory. The documentation to prove it, at least in part, is included.

Marshall closed the message by writing, "When we're ready, we'll invite you to fly the probe out of the Earth's gravitational field (via remote control of course) to guide it boldly where no man has gone before, and hopefully reaching the speed of light and beyond!

'Til then - Live Long and Prosper,

Barnes out..."