William Bronston M.D.'s New Audiobook 'Public Hostage Public Ransom: Ending Institutional America' Describes the Conditions Surrounding the Closing of Willowbrook State School

Recent audiobook release "Public Hostage Public Ransom: Ending Institutional America" from Audiobook Network author William Bronston M.D. unveils the horrific living conditions at New York's Willowbrook State School and the abuse endured by its residents, while also taking a larger look at various other institutions across the country.

William Bronston M.D., a graduate of the University of Southern California School of Medicine and advocate for Medicare for All and citizens with disabilities, has completed his new audiobook "Public Hostage Public Ransom: Ending Institutional America": a harrowing look at the current state of institutionalized care in America, beginning with a personal account of the author's time spent working at the infamous Willowbrook State School in New York during the 1970s.

In describing his writings, Bronston shares, "The first part of this work, 'Public Hostage,' describes the personal part about Willowbrook. It is meant for the reader to touch, feel, see, and vicariously smell. It is a case in point upon which a greater body of fact and understanding about institutions in America can then be established.

"The second part of this work, 'Public Ransom,' is to offer a broader analysis of the conditions that support and nourish our current out-of-home placement policies and institutions and prevent the development and success of full inclusion and individualization for such services for devalued people in our society. The philosophical and economic underpinnings of segregating and removing people, elders, and those with disabilities, who are different and devalued from our society, and the economic consequences of such ideological underdevelopment will be made plain. It is only with a national paradigm shift to end Medicaid, Title 19, 'long-term care' and replace it with 'lifetime care,' birth-to-end-of-life individual planning and care, within a 'universal health care as a right' system, a single-payer system, that we can end our public hostage, institutional culture. Without such a grasp of conditions, no successful strategies for change, a paradigm shift can be forged—and forged it must be!"

Published by Audiobook Network, author William Bronston M.D.'s new audiobook lifts back the veil on long-term care in the country and exposes listeners to a problem many do not know exists or choose to ignore. Despite Willowbrook's closing, Bronston writes of the many similar institutions that still exist to this day and shares the ways in which a shift in societal perception of long-term care must take place in order to improve the conditions of such places.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "Public Hostage Public Ransom: Ending Institutional America" through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

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Source: Audiobook Network

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