Whitefish Marketing Lead a Digital Workshop for Shepway Small Businesses

Whitefish Marketing lead another digital marketing workshop for Shepway small businesses, in association with Enterprise First

On 23rd February 2016, Kent digital specialists - Whitefish Marketing - will be leading a free digital marketing workshop to assist small businesses and start-ups.  The workshop, spanning 3 hours, will be aimed to help companies better understand the various marketing mediums at their disposal to; enhance their business profile, to increase visitor traffic for their respective websites, and ultimately to secure greater sales enquiries.

This free workshop will be held at the new Folkestone Business Hub, in association with business support agency - Enterprise First - who are the hosts and organisers for this event.

"We are delighted to be working with Whitefish Marketing again. The workshops that we ran jointly in 2015 proved to be extremely popular and the feedback from attendees has been 100% positive."

Andy Pringle, Business Adviser Manager

Andy Pringle, Business Adviser Manager from Enterprise First remarked on the upcoming event:

"We are delighted to be working with Whitefish Marketing again. The workshops that we ran jointly in 2015 proved to be extremely popular and the feedback from attendees has been 100% positive.”

Previous events and seminars led by Whitefish Marketing have been geared towards helping businesses grow, and the format for this event will follow a similar pattern; a tutorial presentation, interactive discussion, ending with a Q&A session.

Whitefish Marketing Director, Chris Surridge, commented:

"We enjoy liaising with new businesses and we understand the hurdles they have to face to get up and running.  Often, the biggest mistake made by many start-ups is the wrongful allocation of budgets and the strategies implemented when it comes to their marketing activities.  We see small companies considering campaigns on a national scale, long before they have even conquered their local markets.  Or others looking to adopt advanced marketing techniques before they've covered off the basics of SEO and PPC. We help these companies to identify the best route for their business, to grow at a measureable and achievable rate, whilst trying to optimise their allocated budgets.

"We have worked alongside Enterprise First on a number of previous events, all of which have been highly successful and of benefit to the delegates.  They have strong connections with local businesses here in Shepway and our marketing services compliment the business advisory services which they provide.  We have a good working relationship with the Enterprise First team and, with the start of this new year, I'm looking forward to continuing that practice."

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