White Meets Blue and FREE Professional Video Too! LevNetBiz.com Promotes May 7 NYC Networking Event

Levron Business Video Network is hosting a White Meets Blue and FREE Professional Video Too! New York networking event on Monday, May 7 at Manhattan's Royalton Hotel at 6:30 p.m.

Levron Business Video Network is encouraging professionals in the New York area to register for its White Meets Blue and FREE Professional Video Too! NYC networking event at http://www.meetup.com/Levron. Open to white and blue collar employees as well as NY video professionals, photographers, and graphic artists, the event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Royalton Hotel on Monday, May 7, 2012.

"Operating under the motto 'Levron Referred Businesses Are Client Preferred Businesses,' our referral network is about tapping into members' existing connections to promote synergy and foster mutually beneficial relationships. We're excited to be hosting our first event designed to bring together members of the white and blue collar workforces," said Levron's founder Daniel Modiano, who has hosted a range of New York networking events to facilitate client referrals and marketing opportunities.

One primary goal of White Meets Blue and FREE Professional Video Too!, Modiano noted, is to open up the NYC networking scene to contractors, masons, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and other blue collar professionals. The referral network event should serve as a forum for white and blue collar attendees to share their offerings and anticipated needs, from professionals looking to expand their client bases to business owners planning in-house construction and renovation projects.

In addition to white and blue collar professionals, Levron is also inviting videographers, photographers, and graphic artists to attend its May 7 event. The company operates a growing business networking site at http://www.LevNetBiz.com that hosts promotional videos and other graphic content designed to drive new leads for Levron clients. Levron is exploring new avenues to share its multimedia content as well, including various social networking outlets.

Although these video marketing promotions are traditionally part of the company's referral network packages, Levron is offering free video exposure to participants at the May 7 event. The aim is to generate more buzz around the site's video marketing content, Modiano explained, while at the same time leveraging the video posts to promote Levron's future events.

"Levron's video marketing services have always been a key part of our referral network offerings, as video exposure enables our clients to deliver their businesses' mission statements and unique selling points using the power of sound, sight, and animation. This NYC networking event will take the process a step further, as we'll also be encouraging videographers, photographers, and graphic professionals to network with each other for potential cross-promotions," Modiano said.

To learn more about the Levron Business Video Network, visit the business networking site at http://www.LevNetBiz.com, call 908-787-3029, or sign up for White Meets Blue and FREE Professional Video Too! at http://www.meetup.com/Levron. The New York networking event will be held at the Royalton Hotel on 44 W. 44th St. between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. Tickets are $15 online or $20 at the door.

About Levron

315 Nottingham Way
Union, NJ
