What will Bring the Most Peace and Joy and Make Your Holidays Cook? How about a Fool-Proof Plan for a Lavish but Budget-Wise, Holiday Season so you can Turn Holiday Cooking Stress into Holiday Cooking Success!

Turn holiday cooking stress into holiday cooking success with Chef Todd's complete holiday cooking course loaded with holiday ideas, cooking demonstrations, printable reference guides and lot of bonuses. Guaranteed holiday success this year!

For many families separated by geography and the time constraints of daily life, the holiday season brings their main (or sometimes only) reconnection with loved ones. Despite this, many spend too much of this valuable time struggling to get the holiday meal on the table or grappling with confusing and complicated recipes. Worse, many give up entirely and rely on unhealthy packaged and frozen dinners as a means of providing comfort and support to their families. The anticipation and excitement of holiday planning is soon replaced by stress, disappointment, and frustration that it all ended so fast.

According to Chef Todd Mohr, founder of Web Cooking Classes, the internet's only weekly online cooking classes that teach cooking method over written recipes, this does not have to be the case. "If you invest just a little bit of time in learning the basics and then let your own creativity and personality take over, you will be amazed at how easy, fun and rewarding cooking becomes," says Mohr. "To really make your holidays cook, a little pre-planning coupled with some basic cooking knowledge can go a long way towards turning holiday cooking stress into holiday cooking success," he insists.

Chef Todd teaches his students how to save time, save money and enjoy the holidays by spending time with loved ones instead of in the kitchen. His most valuable holidays cooking tips start with good planning, including:

A Written Plan will save you more of what you want at the holidays: Time and Money.
Start your holidays cooking with a calculator. That's right. Figure out an average portion size for main dishes, side dishes and appetizers. Once you've got that number, multiply it by the number of guests and back into it, by dividing by the number of sides, main dishes and appetizers you will be offering. This is important because the average person will eat about 3 ounces of mashed potatoes, but won't eat 3 oz of mashed potatoes plus 3 oz of mashed sweet potatoes. When you get to the grocery store, don't second-guess your calculations. If you have a history of over-buying and over-producing, the right amounts will look like too little!

Plan your Fridge Space.
This is a step that most people leave out entirely and then spend a week or two constantly re-arranging and searching. For holidays cooking for many guests, you will have more food in your fridge than is normal - possibly a lot more food! Instead of just letting this happen, make a plan. Buy items only as you need them so you cut down on storage time. If you live somewhere cold, maybe your garage can act as a second refrigerator for items that don't need to be kept to a specific temp (soda, etc). By following these tips, you will save you time AND money because some food doesn't keep well in an over-stocked fridge.

Protect your Oven Space.
Holidays cooking inherently means that lots of food will need to cook - in your oven! Sit down and figure out what items can be made in advance. How much time will your turkey cook? This obviously is a chunk of time during which nothing else can cook. What items should cook ahead of the turkey and what items can cook afterwards, while the turkey is resting before serving. A good plan will help keep stress away and keep you with your guests, where you belong!

Chef Todd has now compiled his best holidays cooking teachings into an online course available to anyone with internet access. The course includes over 4 hours of video cooking demonstration, broken down into 25 topic-specific videos, with printable handouts and lots of bonus items. His guarantee is complete holiday cooking success or your money back.

To learn more about this complete holiday cooking course, that you can start right this minute, visit www.WebCookingClasses.com/holiday-course.

For more information or to arrange an interview with Chef Todd Mohr, please contact Heather Mohr at 919.760.7599, info@WebCookingClasses.com