What Is The Second Bookmark Manager?

Feb. 2 2012 Japan Egg-On-Egg Corporation released a bookmark-sharing applications called Stock It. It is a Windows/MacOSX application to save one's favorite web sites, and upload them as cloud data.

Bookmark management has been a longtime problem for internet users. It has been faced with inflation and mess problems like an obstinate disease. Why it remains unsolved? The answer is simple. Users are not aware of the knack that bookmarks should be divided into two groups ...
(No.1)Well-organized steady bookmarks
(No.2)Temporary "mixture of wheat and chaff" bookmarks

(No.2) seems to be a little thing but is an important thing especially when searching for something in the internet space. Almost all people except skillful users manage (No.1) and (No.2) together in their browser. It is the major cause of inflation and mess problems.
Stock It could be one of the (No.2) solutions. Yes, it is "The Second Bookmark Manager".

When you find an interesting web site, drag and drop the browser's icon into Stock It. Its URL is saved as a bookmark. It might be a great number in case of gathering information. By clicking the cloud-shaped button the bookmark lists are saved as cloud data inside Google Docs. For tighter security the cloud data is encrypted even though Google Docs itself is protected by id and password.

The cloud data can be shared with mobile devices using Stock It Viewer. It runs on iPhone, iPad and Android. It would cover most mobile users. For example, you'll be able to gather information in your office or home, then read it on the move.

Stock It equipts reminder function. It might be unique for this kind of applications. You can set reminders to each bookmark not to forget it. Once you set the reminder, it will send a email or SMS to you on the date-time you set. This function uses Google Calendar. But please note that some users of Google Calendar claims its unsteadiness, so there might be some attention before use Google Calendar. There is a reference information in the FAQ at Egg-On-Egg Corporation's web site.

Reading through this report, you might think that Stock It is a simple bookmark container, but it has an ability to be an alternative for the main bookmark tool. Its paging function and search engine make it possible. Bookmarks can be categorized using paging function. It is like the folders of the browser based bookmark. And you can extract an expecting bookmark with the full-text search. It is user-friendly that the extracted words are highlighted in red. If I could request further, Stock It should cover the sub-folder function. The future upgrading is expected.

Egg-On-Egg Corporation is the software company. It mainly provides applications relevant to the Google services. e.g. Google Contacts, Google Calendar, Google Docs etc.
For example, Calendar G is a simple desktop application that manages Google Calendar. It is recommended to users who frequently set, update or delete their schedules on Google Calendar.
Synchronicity is a contact manager for Gmail address book. It can backup address book and icons togather. Gmail's csv based backup function cannot save icons.
Egg-On-Egg Corporation's applications are freeware with advertisements. Users who want to remove advertisements should buy an Address Key. It is a kind of licence number. An Address Key removes advertisements from all Egg-On-Egg Corporation's applications. An Address Key is a unique number to each Gmail address that is equal to the Google account. Up to two Address Keys are published with each purchase (US$5).

Email:(use the format of the web site)

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