What If… You Could Change the World by Playing a Game?

Muslim Public Affairs Council partners with master teacher Marshall Thurber to host the Global Game world simulation at Los Angeles Trade Technical College.

Muslim Public Affairs Council takes Lead Sponsorship of Marshall Thurber’s “Global Game”.

On December 4, 2015, scholar, educator and futurist Marshall Thurber will facilitate an unprecedented approach to transforming leaders and the world.

"MPAC is immensely proud to sponsor the Global Game, a revolutionary and innovative effort to inspire people to create real change. We are all connected together on this planet purely based on our shared humanity, regardless of our religious or ethnic differences. Our common humanity unites us and we must work together in a cohesive manner to address the challenges facing our world today. " - Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President

Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President

The Global Game, the updated edition of Buckminster Fuller’s masterful “World Peace Game”, will include students, teachers, community leaders and people of all races, religions and ages. This one-day simulation immerses “players” in a series of current life situations dealing with the global issues like poverty, climate change, terrorism and many others.  The purpose of the game is to provide participants with tools and resources for making the world work for 100% of humanity by demonstrating how diversity, cooperation, and an abundance mindset can reshape our lives and transform society, globally.

The event is sponsored by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and takes place at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. 

"MPAC is immensely proud to sponsor the Global Game, a revolutionary and innovative effort to inspire people to create real change. We are all connected together on this planet purely based on our shared humanity, regardless of our religious or ethnic differences. Our common humanity unites us and we must work together in a cohesive manner to address the challenges facing our world today. " - Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC President  http://www.mpac.org

Positions are available for additional players in the game.

When:   December 4, 2015, 8:30am to 6pm
Where:  Los Angeles Trade Technical College, North Tent.
               400 W. Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Event and media contact:  Greg Rex at Greg@GregRex.com or call 619.247.4739

Website:  www.burklynglobal.com  (Click on Global Game to register)

Watch Marshall Thurber on TedX (http://burklynglobal.com/marshall-thurber-on-tedx/)

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About The Trilogy Game LLC

The Trilogy Game is a social mobile learning platform designed to help people create balance in the Trilogy of Optimal Health. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind and Healthy Finances.

The Trilogy Game LLC
18124 Wedge Parkway , #155
Reno, NV