Whale Sharks: Spotting the Gentle Giants

Maafushivaru Maldives is a typical island epitomizing all the one dreams of when thinking of the Maldives. With its small island charm, lush vegetation surrounded by the white beaches and a house reef that provides an enchanting snorkelling experienc

Diving in the Maldives is a dream come true to anyone who's taken the plunge down the fascinating world below. The nutrient-rich, temperate ocean promises uniquely surreal experiences; exquisite coral gardens weaving the convoluted eco system housing such an extensive variety of marine species, you probably would have to refer to a fish guide after snorkelling (http://www.maafushivaru.com/diversions-snorkelling.php) or diving to remember their names! Yet the waters that surround the Maldives are also known for their mysterious nature and its bountiful surprises, with enigmatic creatures living in the deep. Divers and snorkellers plan their holidays each year to see the 'big 5' the Maldives is famous for, namely the ubiquitous sharks, 'the master of disguise', octopi, playfully vibrant dolphins, the graceful yet curious manta rays, and lastly the biggest fish in the sea that also sports the widest grin; the whale sharks - and getting the chance to meet one is considered a triumph in the aquatic world.

Witness National Geographic moments live at Maafushivaru with its popular dive sites, Dhigurah and Maamigili where spotting a whale shark (or more) is almost certain. Boasting a frequency of an 80% successful rate, the gentle giants can be met all year around. Dhigurah is mostly explored in the South West monsoon and it takes between 30 to 40 minutes to reach by boat. Maamigili is a 45 minute drive from Maafushivaru and the second option promising sightings all year around making it the ideal place to ensure a whale shark. Normally they are encountered within 2-3 metres, a viable opportunity for even snorkellers, and an exact 199 whale sharks have been identified in this part of South Ari Atoll. The cherished filter feeders are even named, and the friendliest of them commonly seen by divers and snorkellers are Lucky, Fernando, Skye, Andy and Dylan. To think names were just exclusive for us human beings might be a far-fetched idea after all.

Sign up for an adventure to these dive sites, for an overwhelming sensation indescribable by mere words await you. Our professional team of seasoned divers and snorkellers guide you to get close to this ginormous animal during your holiday.

Note to Editors:
Maafushivaru Maldives (http://www.maafushivaru.com/) is a typical island epitomizing all the one dreams of when thinking of the Maldives. With its small island charm, lush vegetation surrounded by the white beaches and a house reef that provides an enchanting snorkelling experience. The island is just over 500 metres in length and even has its own baby island, Lonubo (http://www.maafushivaru.com/lonubo.php), just 5 minutes away. Lonubo is exclusively for the use of Maafushivaru guests and a holiday on Maafushivaru will not be complete without at least one visit to this beautiful deserted islet.
Refurbished in 2010, the resort is owned and managed by Universal Resorts.
Bookings for Maafushivaru can be made through Maafushivaru website www.maafushivaru.com