WestMoonint Sings 2010 and Embraces Hypalon Rubber 2011

WestMoonint will sing 2010 with its synthetic rubber clients and embrace 2011 of Hypalon rubber, and from February 2 to February 8 its manufacturer and suppliers will temporarily closes their activities for 7 days.

WestMoonint will embrace 2011 Spring Festival from February 2 to February 8, and during the holiday WestMoonint's manufacturer and suppliers will temporarily closed their operations for 7 days.

WestMoonint will take this opportunity to express its sincere wishes to all its workers, suppliers, partners, and customers have a prosperous 2011.

WestMoonint knew that it was a hard year for many synthetic rubber customers, Hypalon rubber ones in particular, as many of they had made a tough decision to convert from Hypalon rubber to Hypalon rubber replacement to make their rubber products, because that DuPont discontinued its Hypalon rubber plants in 2010. WestMoonint was aware of what it meant to them.

Fortunately, this painfulness did not endure for a long time. In August 2010 WestMoonint officially launched its Hypalon rubber series, hypalon 40 and hypalon 45 two grades for all oversea market and end-users. But up to right now, there are many hypalon rubber customers not being aware of that WestMoonint is manufacturing and providing hypalon rubber raw materials. Therefore, WestMoonint will enhance its marketing forces and would plan to DM brochures to its targeted clients in the coming months of 2011 to help purchasing WestMoonint hypalon rubber to make high-quality rubber products for their valued customers.

WestMoonint predicts that with more marketing activities from WestMoonint, its partners and distributors, WestMoonint will embrace a fruitful Hypalon rubber 2011, since many customers are likely to turn back from Hypalon rubber replacement to Hypalon rubber. And it is predicted that Hypalon rubber purchasing peak will appear in May or July, 2011.

But next month will see the raising of Hypalon rubber price, still because of huge imbalance between demand and supply.

WestMoonint wish all have a wonderful and prosperous 2011 and Happy New Year 2011!

For more synthetic rubber products and solutions, please visit our official site
: http://www.westmoonint.com

News Contact
Contact person: king yazer (Marketing manager of WestMoonint)
E-mail: marketing@westmoonint.com
Mobile: 86-13540702776
Phone: 86-28-8628-2877