West Coast Mktg: Now Delivering "Green" Marketing Practices for Small Business

If you are a small business and you have made the commitment to going green this year, then you have likely run into this not-so-small obstacle with your marketing strategy: how to go green and get more customers, despite that new business traditiona

How Your Business Can Save The Planet And Get More Sales

If you are a small business and you have made the commitment to going green this year, then you have likely run into this not-so-small obstacle with your marketing strategy: how to go green and get more customers, despite that new business traditionally came from direct mailings and locally run paper advertisements.

This conundrum throws off businesses of all shapes and sizes. If this scenario sounds familiar, then perhaps it is time that you look at how West Coast Mktg is completely changing (and drastically improving) the small business advertising space.

We can all relate to the frustration our customers and potential customers of when they open their paper mail boxes and see piles of unwanted advertisements. In the USA we can stop these ads by signing up for free services. Well, that is good and bad news, certainly this creates less waste. BUT what about my businesses ads? The truth is most people want some of these coupons, promotions and offers, but certainly not all of them and certainly not so often and so much.

So What Do You Do to Grow Your Business While Saving the Planet?

You might have heard that mobile marketing is the latest and most successful innovation to hit the world of advertising in decades - but you may not have realized how environment-friendly it is as well. Thanks to a text message's unique and powerful way of garnering optimal amounts of customer interest and involvement, the need for paper flyers, advertisements and direct mail pieces can be reduced dramatically overnight.

Mobile text Marketing allows you to market your products and services where ever your customer are! After all, everyone these days have a mobile phone and take it it with them everywhere. The three things people do not leave home without, keys, wallet and phone!

How Does SMS Marketing Actually Work

Simple: you chose a keyword to represent your business. Keywords are like domain names, they are unique to your business. For instance, let us say, your business is Sally's Bistro; you could choose 'Bistro' as your keyword. Then you compose a 160-character or less message, embed it with your company's URL as Text Bistro to 33938 to get on our VIP text list. Send it out to your opt-in list and voila - you have reached out to your most valued customers instantly. You can also improve all other forms of marketing by adding Text Bistro to 33938. This allows you to Instantly Capture & Connect with your customers, while providing a call to action.

The options for text message advertising are endless (timely promotions, contests, special offers, feedback, holiday greetings, just to name a few). Text Coupons have a redemption rate 20X over paper coupons!

It's a New Age of Marketing with Instant Results

It is very different from the days of patiently waiting for a trickle of product orders or phone calls from a direct mail piece. All the while wondering, "Did they get it yet or just throw it in the trash or recycle bin?"

Going green with your small business marketing has an additional benefit for the budget-minded: mobile marketing is significantly less expensive than printing out hundreds of flyers, direct mail pieces and advertisements. In fact, marketing experts have pegged text message advertising as a recession-proof investment in your business.

Utilizing text message advertising for your small business marketing efforts will speak high volumes about your business practices in the eyes of your valued customers. You not only appear innovative, you are also eliminating all that wasteful advertising. In addition, by forgoing expensive and wasteful "blanket" advertising in favor of client-focused, highly targeted, opt-in based text messages, your business will really stand out from the crowd.

To learn more about how WEST COAST MKTG can help you go green visit our dedication mobile marketing site at http://SimplyTextMarketing.com. Text the phrase: easy.wcm to: 33938 or Call us 408-647-5458. For more detail visit: http://www.westcoastmktg.com

About West Coast MKTG

West Coast MKTG
2059 Camden Ave 322
San Jose, CA
