Wendy Ribeiro's New Book 'Killing the Jack***' is a Compelling Journey of a Woman Who Successfully Withstood Life's Adversities

Fulton Books author Wendy Ribeiro has made her debut with "Killing the Jack***," a powerful and emotional novel. Inspired by the author's experience as an expatriate, the story begins as the family of four is leaving the Boston suburbs for Brazil. This move has been the family's dream for years, and now it is about to be fulfilled.

The main character, Cindy, and her husband, Jon, have a plan. They have bought a lovely house in the town where Jon grew up. They also bought a farm in a neighboring village and, at first, life is everything they hoped for. They spend weekdays in the city and weekends in the country. The children get to experience all of the challenges of living in a new place as well as discover all the joys of farm life. They have the best of both worlds until something goes awry.

Jon, never the best businessman, makes some catastrophic choices, and before they know it, Cindy and Jon have to sell both the house and the farm and move to a more affordable farm three hours away. It is here that Jon dives headfirst into his midlife crisis and has an affair with a woman young enough to be his daughter. This results in a pregnancy that shatters the marriage and destroys the family dynamic. Cindy, an American, is now stuck in the back of beyond with two children who are suffering the aftershocks of their father's betrayal. Cindy is not without her own issues but despite them, she forges ahead. She strives to hold onto her children, break free from her husband, and eventually get back home.

Though Cindy struggles, she eventually emerges victorious, reminding the reader that where there is pain, there is also laughter, that where there is despair, there is also hope. Life may feel broken but it is not beyond repair. There will be new love and new life.

Published by Fulton Books, Wendy Ribeiro's novel is a moving and thought-provoking read. While it addresses the negative effects of a midlife crisis, it is also an adventure in foreign living. Ribeiro's astute observations about the culture in which she finds herself are both entertaining and edifying.

Readers who wish to experience this heartfelt and engaging story can purchase "Killing the Jack***" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books