WebSite Video Comes To Life After 13 Years

Two hundred thousand people per month search on Google for the precise term "website video" and until now there was no single website with that exact domain name.

Two hundred thousand people per month search on Google for the precise term "website video" and until now there was no single website with that exact domain name. Motiliti Inc. the home of Live On Page™ has purchased and built a website with that domain name to sell spokesperson videos, web commercials, and website design and construction that integrates video into the conversion strategy.

Live On Page™ video is at the heart of the services offered by Motiliti Inc., but Dr. Joe Schaefer, President says that "site owners know they want to incorporate video into their existing or new site. So very often the conversation works its way around to website design and SEO. So we added the services to our offering and the difference has been huge".

Scott Martin, CEO reports that SEO work has just begun on the website and that the domain lay dormant for 13 years prior to the purchase. "It has over a decade of inactivity and that is a lot to overcome. We will be aggressively promoting the site in every way possible," says Mr. Martin.

The end result of high search engine ranking for this new website called, will be a 5 to 10 times increase in leads for Motiliti Inc. This fits the current development toward more scalability and automation of the sales and production process. The new clients will be thrilled to find a single company that can wield every kind of video in conjunction with web design built around taking visitors to an action. This kind of reverse engineered website is an anomaly in this industry, but is obviously the strategy that is results driven. Dr. Schaefer points out, "We design a website around one single principle, taking a visitor to the most desirable goal for the site owner. It's the way Disney creates a theme attraction. There are no mistakes and every step of the experience is planned out."

Website video can either be embedded or appear as Live On Page. Scott Martin says, "Embedded video is identical to walking into a retail store and instead of having a real sales person assist you, there are video screens placed around the store with looping commercials. It is obvious that a real person is superior to the video screen plan." In which case, it is easy to see which form of website video; embedded or Live On Page spokesperson, is closer to a real person. So it is also easy to know which will have a greater impact in your website.