WebriQ releases new features and its Domain Manager

WebriQ is a dynamic portal engine and online website builder. The unlimited experience of an online website builder and unique web tool that you will only find at WebriQ , a tool that is easily editable and is using advanced drag and drop technolog

Singapore, April 26th , 2010 -- WebriQ provides a content management system and dynamic portal engine that enables anyone to publish their own website, and that from a simple informative website to a complex multisite and multilingual E-commerce, community or news portal. The platform includes a state-of-the-art CSS Template creation and parser tool, capable of integrating any custom design in to the CMS platform. The entire platform is build on open source software and is made available to end-users through a monthly subscription mechanism.

A couple of very interesting features are added to the platform in the last week: one of them is the Media Content slides, where one can display in a slide show the latest news items that you want to display on your website. The slides step both automatically and manually and they can contain images as well as dynamically sized texts in a transparent lay-over.
A second feature that was added is the Domain Manager - the domain manager allows you to redirect an existing or new domain to your WebriQ subdomain and also allows you to set-up Google Business Apps applications within your own domain, and setting the MX Type and MX ID so that your e-mails are integrated within the same DNS environment. Amongst other, we also support ZOHO e-mail and other ZOHO business applications.

Since its inception WebriQ has been focused on bringing all types of customers on board, from the novice Internet user that wants a simple web presence to the sophisticated web developer that is using all the functionality and capability of the WebriQ software tool.
Because of the increasing complexity of the software, the company has introduced a new Site creation wizard to help any type of user in its selection of the features and the functionality that best fit the specific requirements of that web designer or content manager.

Through a couple of interactive screens, the user will be able to pre-provision its site according to his level of proficiency with web site building and the necessary menus and content will be populated during initial site creation. The service package provisioned will be completely according to a set of criteria defined by the user itself.

To enhance the visibility of your website right away, the site wizard is containing a screen to capture all relevant SEO information on your site, so that your ranking and your online visibility will start growing right from the beginning of your new Internet presence.

Two WebriQ commercial offerings will remain in the market until the end of Q2 2010.
One special offer is the conversion of your PSD File in to a WebriQ compatible HTML/CSS custom made template and the integration of that Template in to a fully contained online content management system for the price of 200 USD.
A second offer adds a 2 Year E-commerce service to the Template design and the entire package is priced at 400 USD.
Content Management System (CMS) is a robust, easy-to-use and is a Ecommerce Cms System built upon a flexible application framework, this framework of WebriQ was developed using inexpensive, open-source resources. It enables users to easily collaborate in creating and maintaining web site content.

WebriQ provides a Cms System that enables anyone to publish their own Free Websites Online, and that from a simple informative website to a complex multisite and multilingual business, community or news portal, and this without any programming knowledge. The software tool is well geared for all website that are content driven and that are taking all kinds of user generated content.

webriq.com offers many advantages compared to other providers of web space for instance unlimited number of sites, lots of capacity to store your own graphics, music, downloads, etc. and the best part is everything is absolutely for free. The Webriq will build a dynamic portal engine in less than half an hour and will manage its complete content online is through an open content management system.

Philippe Bodart is an IT entrepreneur and has been at the forefront of many innovative technologies in the IT and telecoms sector. More on the author can be found on LinkedIn under Philippe Bodart or on http://webriq.com

For more information, please contact us at feedback@webriq.com or visit www.webriq.com or www.webriq.net. For all partner inquiries on the S2W program, visit www.switch2webriq.com or www.switch2webriq.net.


WEBRIQ is based in Singapore . WEBRIQ has associated companies in Belgium, Hungary and India and sales partners in USA and Australia. WEBRIQ is in operation for about 24 months, launched its Beta service in December, 2008 and its full commercial service in November, 2009.