WebItDesigns to the Rescue - New Blog Design and Blog Configuration Packages

For online businesses that have an understanding of the importance of blogs, but are struggling to set up and configure their blog, can get help from WebItDesigns.

Businesses have now realized the power of blogs in boosting sales. It's believed that about 60% of Internet users get regular information from blogs. But then why is it that certain blogs have millions of followers and some gather dust?

"A good blog is all about original content. It's not about grammar, about punctuation, not about the length or the frequency of the articles, but it's all about how effectively you can engage your reader. Sadly, there are too many first time bloggers, who are so inundated with the technical details and the presentation that their focus on content is lost" says, J. W. Roope, President of WebItDesigns, a company which, among many other services, helps first time bloggers in blog setup, configuration, marketing, SEO, hosting, and more.

The fact is that an effective, well managed blog helps businesses push sales. With a blog you can share information about your products and services, promote product releases, issue company press releases, announce events, and more. Rather than having to individually answer queries about your products or, risk letting others talk about your products, you can speak to your customers directly. Got a new product launch? Want to speak out about the features of your products? Want to give your two bits worth of information about the trends in your market? A blog, in conjunction with a social media presence, is the best platform to do so.

In the blog game, it is important to find the right service provider who can help you design your company blog. "Blog design services usually just design the blog theme and make the business owner do most of the dirty work (hosting, domain registration, configuration, etc). We have come up with business blog design packages ( http://webitdesigns.com/store/products/106-website-plus-blogging-package.aspx ), wherein we take care of everything, including the domain registration, hosting, blog set up, configuration, blog banner design and everything that's associated with a custom blog design" says Roope.

"At WebItDesigns, we will handle all the technical details required for a blog set up like domain registration, webhosting design, and get ready with the blog design software, the blog banner design, plugin installation plugin design....and everything that's required for a blog set up. You simply have to focus on content while we care about the presentation" adds Roope.

For those intimidated with blog technology, WordPress is a simple but fantastic content management system. But not many people know how to install WordPress and handle WordPress errors. "At WebItDesigns we help beginners with WordPress configuration ( http://webitdesigns.com/store/products/107-wordpress-blog-configuration.aspx ), Custom WordPress widgets and even guide you on using WordPress" says Roope.

About WebItDesigns: A one stop shop for your entire web based needs, WebItDesigns offers web based services like a highly visual website design, effective marketing strategies, graphics design, and updates and maintenance. To know more visit them at http://webitdesigns.com/
