Webhosting-Ninjas Expands Website Hosting Service with Rent-A-Site Webhosting Packages

Ottawa, ON - The internet just got a little smarter, and much more affordable with Webhosting-Ninjas' latest Rent-A-Site Webhosting Packages for small businesses.

Ottawa, ON - The internet just got a little smarter, and much more affordable with Webhosting-Ninjas' latest Rent-A-Site Webhosting Packages.

Small businesses can now choose one of the standard, feature-rich and affordable website hosting services for their existing website, or they can choose to rent, for a small monthly fee hosting included, a fully custom-developed website designed by Webhosting-Ninja and featuring an easy to use content management system!

Webhosting-Ninjas director says, "We really wanted to offer a service that small businesses can afford and that can give them the chance to make good use of their website. This means putting them in a position to update it as easily and quickly as they need so they can post the latest information about their business, such as their latest services and offers, online in no time and our latest "Rent-a-Site" packages do exactly that. The response to this program has been phenomenal."

One of the latest Webhosting-Ninjas.com "Rent-a-Site" website hosting clients is PresentMomentYoga.ca. The Edmonton-based Yoga trainer needed a website where she could advertise her private yoga lessons for women in Edmonton. She chose the "Rent-a-Site" Gold package from Webhosting-Ninjas. The "Rent-a-Site" Gold package allowed her to have up to 20 pages of content as well as the capability to post yoga articles on her blog and update her pricing page at any time. Present Moment Yoga owner said, "I love the flexibility this system gives me! And the design is great! I really needed something like this, but all the other companies I contacted quoted me in the thousands of dollars and I simply couldn't afford that. Thank you so much Webhosting-Ninjas! Now for a small monthly fee I have a great website that is already bringing in new customers and that I can update easily at any time. You guys are awesome!"

Needless to say, the Webhosting-Ninjas.com team is eager to expand the awareness of their amazing website hosting packages for small businesses. We invite all small business owners to check out webhosting-ninjas.com website for details on their current website hosting packages for some amazing deals.

Trust the Ninjas!

Webhosting Ninjas
Email: info@webhosting-ninjas.com
Web: http://www.webhosting-ninjas.com
Ottawa, Canada

About Webhosting Ninjas

Webhosting Ninjas
900 Greenbank Road
Suite 453,
K2J 4P6
