Web Design Company Launches An Event To Promote Art of Web Design Among Young Talent

It Solutions is referred to as the most trusted name for iPhone application development in Cape Town which focuses on every possible aspect of iPhone development with the help of a dynamic team of skilled professionals.

A major web design company in South Africa inaugurated an event to inspire the young talents in the industry. The event was organized in collaboration with other major companies who possessed same determination to represent web designs and the respective industry on the same level.

The event was specially held to promote art of web designing among young talents in the country. Monique Bekker, chairman of the company, addressed the congregation with his speech which mainly discussed the current evolving phase of web designing industry. The event was followed by the competition programs in which random candidates had to design a particular on random subjects and themes.

"The industry of web designing has evolved beyond expectations. We are required to delve into another level of its profoundness to be able call to ourselves the artist," Bekker further added, "relying on traditional concepts isn't a good idea. You gotta build your own podium to lead a group of the people."

Amber Loubser,was awarded for the best designs during the event. The event was announced couple of weeks before by the company and seems to have earned popularity ever since in the city. "Web designing demands a different zone of creativity now. I am ensuring to be a part of this revolution. I guess this recognition that I have got today will be a milestone in my life and career," Amber quoted as saying during the event.

Renowned as one of the major companies in South Africa, Bekker believes to take his company to another level of success with the help of contemporary youth and generation.Renowned as one of the major companies in South Africa, Bekker believes to take his company to another level of success with the help of contemporary youth and generation.