Web Ad Space Marketplace Debuts

Webmasters and owners, eager to monetize their websites, may have found the perfect marketplace at the recently-launched AdSella.com. According to AdSella developers, the site is designed to streamline the ad buying and selling experience and offer

Webmasters and owners, eager to monetize their websites, may have found the perfect marketplace at the recently-launched AdSella.com.
According to AdSella developers, the site is designed to streamline the ad buying and selling experience and offer web owners an ease-free way to make their sites profitable.

Traditional ad networks normally take a 50% cut. And the affiliate marketing route is a hard way to increase one's conversion rate, Private advertising is much more lucrative but the administration work can be daunting. That's where AdSella offers a better solution. It's a win-win for website owners, according to the developers.

And for advertisers, the site's listings target a wide range of demographics and AdSella provides analytics to make marketing decisions as ease-free as possible.

Many websites and bloggers rely on networks like Google AdSense when they first get started. The entry barrier is low and they can start making money right away. However, they quickly learn that private advertising can be much more lucrative.

But private ad sales are very time-consuming and that's where AdSella offers a better solution. In short, AdSella is an online ad space marketplace where site owners can list their available ad placements and advertisers can buy these spots.

A variety of different ad types and banner sizes can be used and AdSella takes care of all the administration.

From the site owner's perspective, the AdSella process is simple to understand:

•Site owners create a listing on AdSella for every block of ad space that they'd like to offer for sale. They set the price, the duration and size of the ads. A simple line of text is then inserted into the space on the site where they would like the ad to appear.

•A placeholder ad block appears immediately on the site. Ad buyers can then click directly on the "buy this ad" banner, proceed through the AdSella checkout process, upload their banners, and have the ad go live almost immediately.

From the website lister's end, no additional code needs to be added or altered. It's automatic.

When the purchased ad time expires, the ad block once again becomes available through the AdSella marketplace for new advertisers to purchase. Once again, the website doesn't have to do anything. There's no management of expire dates and advertiser banners. The AdSella engine takes care of it all.

Each time a blogger sets up a new available ad slot, it shows up in the marketplace for buyers to browse. Basic information is displayed in the main listing, including site name, URL, Page Rank, run (duration), status, and price.

By clicking through to an individual listing, the buyer can then get more information about the advertising opportunity, ad location, acceptable formats, ad run time, website category, and other related details.

However, the purchase process cannot happen from this page. The ad buyer has to go directly to the seller's website, find the available AdSella ad spot, click on the blue banner, and proceed through the checkout process that way. This ensures that the advertiser knows exactly where the ad will be placed.

After uploading the ad creative, the advertiser can log into his or her AdSella account to make changes. Once again, the site owner doesn't need to do anything. The same code stays on the website.

In addition to exposure on the AdSella site, ad sellers receive additional free exposure through Adsella's blog and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

It costs nothing for site owners to list their available ad placements through AdSella. So, where does AdSella's cut come into play? AdSella takes a 20% commission when the sale is complete and the site owner receives 80% of the total ad price. According to the developers, this is extremely lucrative for the ad seller, considering they save both time and money on administrative and marketing costs.

For more information, visit AdSella.com or call 1-617-460-4315.

About AdSella.com

Greystone Road
Exeter, NH
