Warm Up Your Appetite And Your Guests With A Chili Soup

Chili soup is an easy soup recipe yet its true origins are unknown. One thing is certain though; it did not originate in Mexico as what most people believe. American Indians are more closely related to the dish but how it got to them is quite mystica

Contrary to what most people think, chili soup did not originate from Mexico. This was attested by Charles Ramsdell who had been to Mexico prior to the 17th century. In his article, he stated that chili soup was nowhere to be found within the borders of Mexico, except for places that served tourists. It is known that both Indians and Mexicans cling strongly to their culture, especially to their food. So Ramsdell added to his article that it would be impossible for this easy soup recipe to be forgotten or be totally neglected by Mexicans.
The first literature for chili soup came from American Indians. The Indians claim that the recipe was passed down to them by a beautiful woman wearing a blue dress. It is theorized that this woman is a nun from Spain. She was known in Spain as Mary of Agregada. The nun is believed to have days of trances. When she woke up one time, Sister Mary claimed that she drifted in to land far away from Spain and that she met savages to which she preached the virtues of Christianity. It is believed that Sister Mary passed this easy soup recipe to the Indians.
Regardless of its origins, chili soup quickly became a delicacy in Texas around the 1800's. As literature portrays it, this easy soup recipe was commonly cooked by women of "The Alamo" every afternoon. They serve the chili soup at the center of the plaza and have every passerby eat with them.
During the 19th century, a lot of speculation surrounded chili soup. This easy soup recipe is a priest's kryptonite back then. Believing that chili soup is an aphrodisiac, priests stayed away from them. The church's reaction to this easy soup recipe contributed much to its popularity. Men during those times could not say no to chili soup since they believe that it invigorates manhood.
Today, an easy soup recipe like the chili soup is often served when guests are to come over. More commonly, chili soup is what the "boys" prepare when they gather to watch a football or basketball game. This easy soup recipe also became a staple for poker nights.
Here is a simple chili soup recipe:
What you will need:
• A pound of ground beef
• Two onions that are cut quarter chunks
• A green pepper that's cut into bite sizes
• A red pepper that's cut into bite sizes
• Chopped Chili Peppers (hot ones) - put as many as you can handle
• Four chopped garlic cloves
• A large can of tomatoes (29ounces)
• Two Tablespoons of vinegar (preferably from red wine)
• Six cups of beef stock
• Four tablespoons of tomato paste
• Two cans of black beans (151/2 ounces). They should be rinsed and drained. This reduces the popping effect.
• Two table spoons of chili powder
• One teaspoon of cumin
• Salt & pepper to taste
For garnishing, chop cilantro and grate cheddar cheese (the white one)
Preheat the saucepan. Add small amounts of oil to start things up. Put the ground beef in there until it turns brown and oil starts to come out of it. Drop the onion chunks, peppers and garlic into the pan and saute them together with the beef. Add the chopped tomatoes. Put the stove into medium heat and leave it for ten minutes. Then, add the vinegar. Pour the tomato juice, tomato paste and beef stock into the pan. Then boil it. Next, add in the beans. Leave it boiling for several minutes then lower the heat and add in the chili powder together with the cumin. Let it simmer for 30 minutes. It should only be partially covered.
When done, garnish the whole thing with white cheddar and cilantro. Prepare a bag of tortilla chips and you're good to go.

Chili soup is an easy soup recipe yet its true origins are unknown. One thing is certain though; it did not originate in Mexico as what most people believe. American Indians are more closely related to the dish but how it got to them is quite mystical. The story has it that a nun from Spain came to a trance and her spirit parted from her body. Her spirit is then drifted to America where she thought Indians how to make the first chili soup.
From then on, the chili soup ruled the plazas in Texas and became a staple food for cowboys since it was rumored as an aphrodisiac. Today, chili soup is commonly served on a variety of occasions.