Voyage Manager Goes Social With Facebook

Travellers can now have their Facebook profiles automatically updated with their latest Voyage Manager travel status updates.

Travellers can now have their Facebook profiles automatically updated with their latest Voyage Manager travel status updates.

Voyage Manager has made a significant step into the world of social media with the integration of the VM Travel Tracking Suite with the world's largest social network, Facebook. The Facebook integration allows travellers to automatically post their travel status updates on Facebook, allowing friends and family to easily follow the progress of their trips. Through automation the traveller does not have to perform any extra actions in order for their status to be published on Facebook, making the process effortless.

Voyage Manager recommends that clients using this feature do so with care as publishing data onto Facebook can compromise security. Clients can enable or disable the Facebook integration across the company, and each individual traveller can also choose whether or not to publish their data on the social network. For security reasons the Facebook integration is switched off by default, requiring the client to enable the feature.

About Voyage Manager
Voyage Manager is a Cambridge-based travel technology company, specializing in solutions for managing, monitoring and tracking employee and asset travel. It was founded by software engineer John Scott, following first-hand experience of travelling in remote places and at times of crisis. Voyage Manager develops tools that help ensure employee safety, while also streamlining business practices.

Voyage Manager has developed the VM Travel Tracker and Safety Suite, a global travel management system that incorporates a travel tracker, a device tracker, a flight management system and a sign of life service. The Voyage Manager suite is the only product on the market that can be fully automated, reducing human interaction. This provides a full, accurate and timely overview of employees' travel plans and progress, and enables you to act quickly in an emergency.

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