Vocati Communications Releases New Haiti Calling Card with Prices Starting at 17.5 Cents per Minute

Vocati Communications released a low cost reliable calling card to Haiti today with calls as low as 17.5 cents to the Island Nation. This marks one of the lowest cost premium services to Haiti from the United States.

Vocati Communications released a low cost reliable calling card to Haiti today with calls as low as 17.5 cents to the Island Nation.

This marks one of the lowest cost premium services to Haiti from the United States. Vocati Communications teamed up with over a dozen carriers to secure the routes and channels required to offer this high quality service to the many thousands of people using their service now.

"After the earthquake, we saw first hand the need for improved communications to Haiti," said William McCarthy, Vocati Communication's CEO world wide. "We were one of the first companies to have calls going into Haiti after the eathquake, but it was cost prohibitive at times. Right then and there we decided to offer a premium service to Haiti from the United States that had exceptional quality and a low cost."

After almost a month of working with dozens of carriers, Vocati Communications found the routes and channels they were looking for by leveraging just over a dozen companies and replacing their damaged equipment in the earthquake.

"At this point, we feel we have the strongest and most reliable network to Haiti available," states Andres Acero, Chief Operations Officer of Vocati Communications and Director of Latin American Services. "Our testing has included many of our current clients and the results were unanimous...We heard over and over from people using the cards that this was the clearest and best calling card they ever used when calling friends and family in Haiti. We can't ask for better validation than that."

Vocati Communications is well known in the wholesale and carrier Telecommunications market, but the release of this calling card as well as their "World Pass International" card marks a major step forward in the retail market.

"We are excited about this calling plan. We expect this to have a major impact on our business model going forward," said McCarthy.

Vocati Communications is releasing four more specialty cards to locations like Africa, South America, India and Mexico. These cards are expected to hit the streets within 30 days.
For those interested in purchasing a calling card to Haiti, they can visit http://www.vocaticommunications.com/calling-cards/haiti-calling-card-starting-at-17-5-cents/
About Vocati Communications

Vocati is a U.S. based Telecommunication Service Provider with 18 locations world wide. It has a long history of responding to challenges and answering the call to action through their unique One World Program which serves to demonstrate the belief that communication makes the world a smaller place.


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Vocati Communications is a premier telecommunications and VoIP Provider with 18 locations worldwide offering consulting services, international termination, domestic termination, DiDs and a comprehensive suite of products.