Vision Help Foundation Improves Public Health by Rebuilding Homes in Rural Haiti to Save Lives, Reduce Disease, and Improve Quality of Life

St. Louis-based Vision Help Foundation is assisting to improve housing in Lavaud, a small rural community in Haiti. Substandard housing, often with leaky roofs and dirt floors, can cause deadly accidents, frequent illness, and miserable daily experiences.

VHF recently rebuilt and modernized a home occupied by a widow with 11 children. Their roof leaked so bad she was forced to gather all the children in the only dry corner of their home. It was difficult to sleep during the rainy season. There was constant fear the roof would collapse. And children often came down with serious illnesses like pneumonia and parasitic infestations.

The house is fixed and the mother now spends her limited funds on clothing and sheets for her children.

"This type of substandard housing is common in rural Haiti and impoverished areas in many parts of the world. We are working to rebuild these homes to be safe and healthy with modern comforts. It impacts health, education, and quality of life in so many ways," said Keller Polynice and Velly Duverny, VHF founders.

VHF believes in better public health for all communities. They have worked to further COVID-19 charitable donations in the United States while helping to improve housing and infrastructure, access to education, and COVID-19 education in Haiti.

The foundation purchased most construction materials. Then community members donated more materials and volunteered to do the construction work at no cost.

VHF is using this experience and similar resources to conduct other housing projects in the region - all designed to improve public health. 

In Lavaud, construction workers reported the roof was just about to collapse. It was a hazard for the large family inside. The mother told volunteers her family is healthier now with a dry place to sleep.

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Source: Vision Help Foundation

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Vision Help Foundation works to improve the world by empowering better education and public health awareness.

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11628 Old Ballas Road , #303
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