Visiblee, the World's First Lead Generation Solution Identifying Individual Decision Makers Visiting Your Website

A first worldwide, Visiblee Lead Generation solution identifies individual website visitors. It enables Sales Teams to increase their sales by transforming anonymous website visitors into qualified leads.

BtoB companies invest significantly in digital marketing to attract website visitors though adwords, emailings, content marketing etc. The conversion rate of these efforts is however low, a good conversion rate on a BtoB website is generally below 3%.

Visiblee ( is an answer to this problem. Clients are generating 3 times as many qualified leads from their website after implementing Visblee. The ROI of the solution can be proven in less than 3 months.

Visiblee identifies BtoB visitors with the help of IP-tracking and cookies. By combining these techniques with a comprehensive crowdsourced BtoB database the individual website visitor can be identified. A scoring is made based on target market and the behavioral pattern of the visitor. The Visiblee data scientists have conducted research for nearly two years in the Big Data domain, specifically in Machine Learning and text extraction. Data treatment algorithms have been developed to collect huge volume of data from heterogeneous sources, linked to time validity and reliability algorithms to evaluate data veracity.

Visiblee can provide name, title, phone number, email and company information of a person visiting a website. It is the first solution providing this level of detailed information about "anonymous" website visitors. Existing solutions typically identify the company with no means to identify the actual person behind the keyboard.


The main difference between Visiblee and current solutions are:

·       Visiblee provides the identity of the individual website visitor

·       The identification is available in real-time

·       The leads are scored with regards to profile and browsing behavior

·       Visitors from all over the world are identified

·       Visible provides a comprehensive Saas solution with lead nurturing possibilities through automated emails.

·       A comprehensive reporting of website visitors, lead generation and transformation is available to calculate your digital marketing ROI.

About Visiblee

Visiblee ( is a Salezeo company ( Salezeo was founded in 2012 in Paris by Olivier Piscart, Stéphane Chaillou, Karin Olsson and Olivier Candau. Salezeo today has over 100 paying customers including Moët Hennesy Diaego, Kyocera, Nexity, and their services are available in France, the UK and Spain. Salezeo raised €1.5M from Parisian investment fund Newfund in February 2014.

For more information:

/Karin Olsson/

Co-founder and CMO/